Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tom Heneghan Update from February 27, 2013

Tom Heneghan Update from February 27, 2013:
Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Wednesday February 27, 2013

Jack Lew Confirmed! 

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the Senate confirmation of Jack Lew as U.S. Treasury Secretary means that the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols aka the bilateral tax agreement between the IMF, the U.S. Treasury and Austrian banks will take place within hours.

Lew will use U.S. Treasury Constitutional authority to downgrade and actually seize control of the corrupt, privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve, which has turned the entire world financial markets into a ponzi scheme, which has benefited crooked worldwide banks.

P.S. U.S. Treasury Secretary Lew, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde and government officials of the People's Republic of China are currently in high level discussions about the unraveling of worldwide derivative debt and an end to the currency imbalance involving the Chinese yuan and the Japanese yen that has been orchestrated by the crooked Fed and the compromised Central Bank of Japan to create a massive worldwide equity bubble.

P.P.S. At this hour the corrupt Bank of America has still not met their $10 BILLION margin call that they owe the CME Group reference naked short put option positions in none other than the Japanese yen.

It is important to remember that it was the Bank of America that originally conspired with Citibank, Goldman Sachs, former BushFRAUD Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and former Treasury Secretary and Citibank CEO Robert Rubin to illegally launder Protocol funds.

Stay tuned for emergency intelligence briefings at any moment.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Resolutions are Proceeding at this End Point Period…

Resolutions are Proceeding at this End Point Period…:

Resolutions are Proceeding at this End Point Period…

by ÉirePort

Silence in these moment-to-moments is most helpful. Formerly clashing energetics have begun to resolve and centering with Higher Self in the silence is perhaps the most efficient means to allow these to resolve fully.

Resolutions are proceeding at this end point period in humanity-duality history. Hue-manity arises out of this. By this we mean Hue-manity General.

Global consciousness expansion follows 100th monkey embracement of Hue-manity, by humanity (small h).

ÉirePort | February 20, 2013 at 05:09 


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tom Heneghan Update 2/18/2013

Tom Heneghan Update 2/18/2013: Monday February 18, 2013
Protocol Supreme Court Update and Commerzbank AG

by Tom Heneghan

International Intelligence Expert
U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John RobertsUNITED States of America - It can now be reported that U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts tomorrow will issue a direct order aka time and date for the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols aka the bilateral tax agreement between the IMF, U.S. Treasury and Austrian banks that was ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court last October.

Over the last week current U.S. President Barack Obama and former year 2000 illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD were subpoenaed and questioned by the U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice.

At this hour we can also divulge that IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde and the European Union (EU) derivative watchdog headquartered in Brussels, Belgium have ordered complete liquidation of Commerzbank AG derivatives reference illegal cross-collateralized derivatives that were written put options on the Japanese yen and precious metals.

At this hour there are trillions of dollars of crooked Japanes yen bets issued by the Commerzbank AG taking place with an unprecedented spread between the exchange rate 112.43, which Bank of America and Wells Fargo are currently selling yen at their banks and the cash futures price of the yen, which is 106.42.

The unusual wide spread differential specifically represents $1.5 trillion of cross-collateralized derivatives that the U.S. Treasury is owed reference $1.5 trillion on the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.

Of course, this is just a coincidence, right, folks! (laugh out loud)
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder on
behalf of JPMorgan Chase

image 4.bp.blogspot. com

P.S. As the worldwide currency aka derivative war continues to escalate we can now report that today U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder (Marc Rich's defense attorney) engaged in a verbal shouting match with a Vatican financial officer (a Jesuit Catholic priest Father Leclair).

JPMorgan Chase
John R. Coughlin/

The shouting match concerned the fact that the Vatican Bank has frozen billions of dollars of JPMorgan Chase funds currently deposited in the Vatican Bank.

Holder wants the Vatican to unfreeze the funds on behalf of JPMorgan. The Vatican and Father Leclair's response to Holder was go to hell, punk. Nuts!

The Vatican representative reminded Holder that the U.S. Justice Department has no jurisdiction whatsoever over the independent nation, Vatican City.

We can now divulge that the JPMorgan funds frozen by the Vatican Bank represents billions of dollars tied to the former broker dealers MFGlobal and PFG that collapsed in 2012.

JPMorgan illegally used Jeffries holding company and the Nazi "Skull and Bones" German Deutsche Bank and Allied Financial Group in the Cayman Islands to loot and launder insured customers' segregated accounts of MFGlobal and PFG and eventually placed them in what they thought was a safe Vatican Bank account.

We can now divulge that former FBI Director Louis Freeh has been working with Vatican Bank officers to get all the funds back for the MFGlobal customers.

Message to former FBI Director Louis Freeh: In the past I have been very critical of you, Mr. Freeh, but it is a new day and it looks like you are doing the right things, so while you are at it get the looted funds of the FPG customers back too.

P.S. Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings at any moment when we will answer the questions:

Will the L.A. Times continue to smear the Roman Catholic church on behalf of their 'handler' JP Morgan?

Will Christine Lagarde freeze the IMF custodial accounts of the Central Bank of Japan and the derivatives tied to Commerzbank AG?

Will Nick Saban, the head coach at the University of Alabama, and Steve Spurrier, head coach of the University of South Carolina open up a nationwide online distributor for the illegal performance enhancing drug IGF-1 aka deer antler spray?

Will Saban and Spurrier then use the disgraced website deadspin .com and ESPN as their advertisers?

Stay tuned the Detroit News has a nuclear weapon that is about to explode ("Hail! hail to the victors valiant").

In closing, it is twelve o'clock noon. If you are a coed at the University of Alabama going to lunch at the school cafeteria watch your wallet, hide your cigarettes, a University of Alabama student athlete may soon experience roid rage.

Bank Leumi, Mizrahi Clients Said to Aid U.S. Tax Probe

These 10 Stocks Account For Over 20% Of The S&P 500's Market Cap

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pope Benedict resigned to avoid arrest, seizure of church wealth by Easter

Pope Benedict resigned to avoid arrest, seizure of church wealth by Easter:

Posted on February 13, 2013 by itccs

Diplomatic Note was issued to Vatican just prior to his resignation

New Pope and Catholic clergy face indictment and arrest as "Easter Reclamation" plan continues

A Global Media Release and Statement from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State 


The historically unprecedented resignation of Joseph Ratzinger as Pope this week was compelled by an upcoming action by a European government to issue an arrest warrant against Ratzinger and a public lien against Vatican property and assets by Easter.

The ITCCS Central Office in Brussels is compelled by Pope Benedict's sudden abdication to disclose the following details:

1. On Friday, February 1, 2013, on the basis of evidence supplied by our affiliated Common Law Court of Justice (, our Office concluded an agreement with representatives of a European nation and its courts to secure an arrest warrant against Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict, for crimes against humanity and ordering a criminal conspiracy.

2. This arrest warrant was to be delivered to the office of the "Holy See" in Rome on Friday, February 15, 2013. It allowed the nation in question to detain Ratzinger as a suspect in a crime if he entered its sovereign territory.

3. A diplomatic note was issued by the said nation's government to the Vatican's Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, on Monday, February 4, 2013, informing Bertone of the impending arrest warrant and inviting his office to comply. No reply to this note was received from Cardinal Bertone or his office; but six days later, Pope Benedict resigned.

4. The agreement between our Tribunal and the said nation included a second provision to issue a commercial lien through that nation's courts against the property and wealth of the Roman Catholic church commencing on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013. This lien was to be accompanied by a public and global "Easter Reclamation Campaign" whereby Catholic church property was to be occupied and claimed by citizens as public assets forfeited under international law and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

5. It is the decision of our Tribunal and the said nation's government to proceed with the arrest of Joseph Ratzinger upon his vacating the office of the Roman Pontiff on a charge of crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.

6. It is our further decision to proceed as well with the indictment and arrest of Joseph Ratzinger's successor as Pope on the same charges; and to enforce the commercial lien and "Easter Reclamation Campaign" against the Roman Catholic church, as planned.

In closing, our Tribunal acknowledges that Pope Benedict's complicity in criminal activities of the Vatican Bank (IOR) was compelling his eventual dismissal by the highest officials of the Vatican. But according to our sources, Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone forced Joseph Ratzinger's resignation immediately, and in direct response to the diplomatic note concerning the arrest warrant that was issued to him by the said nation's government on February 4, 2013.

We call upon all citizens and governments to assist our efforts to legally and directly disestablish the Vatican, Inc. and arrest its chief officers and clergy who are complicit in crimes against humanity and the ongoing criminal conspiracy to aid and protect child torture and trafficking.

Further bulletins on the events of the Easter Reclamation Campaign will be issued by our Office this week.

Issued 13 February, 2013
12:00 am GMT
by the Brussels Central Office

Monday, February 11, 2013

The visible fallout has begun. Illuminati rats fight in the sack. Mutual assured destruction of evil syndicates.

The visible fallout has begun. Illuminati rats fight in the sack. Mutual assured destruction of evil syndicates.:

Alcuin Bramerton

AB notes: The visible fallout has begun: [1] Queen Beatrix (Bilderberg / Royal Dutch Shell) abdicates. [2] Senior Rockefellers escape to their island refuge near Fiji, leaving clones and lookalike holograms in the US. [3] Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger – Nazi P2 Lodge Satanist) resigns.

There are many élite Satanist families staring down the legal vortex of exposure. Eyes up for the QE2 (Elizabeth Windsor – Elizabeth II of England) imminent abdication. The old reptilian bloodline families are trying to avoid the blame by getting out before the postman calls, and praying that the legal letters will be passed on to someone else.

The Rockefeller syndicate has destroyed the Bush syndicate (US Nazi-continuum) and is nearing completion (it thinks) of the destruction of the Rothschild fiat paper banking empire. But the Rothschilds are still standing and may flip-flop to the Light (real or theatrically) if push becomes shove. It’s rats fighting in the sack. Mutual assured destruction. Push is becoming shove and shove is becoming crunch.

Before the Rockefellers fled the US, they stripped the US Federal Reserve System of all major assets, just as previously they had stripped Fort Knox of all deliverable, non-tungsten, gold. Both these Rockefeller acts have caused the Chicago syndicate in DC (Obama et al) numerous day-to-day cashflow and legal headaches.

The 3/11 Japanese Tsunami (nukes on submarine fault line) was not a warning to Japan; it was a warning to the Rockefellers about their Fiji vulnerability.

All the royal families and their shadow banksters are bricking in the closet, afraid to go to sleep at night. Their worst nightmares are returning alive with an unclean bite to the heart.

CIA rogue faction pointman, US “Ambassador” Christopher Stevens, was calculatedly placed in danger on a baited hook in Benghazi to track who he would scream to for help. His screams led to the exposure of the syndicate behind the Japanese tsunami, and the constructed dismissals of twenty six senior US military and intelligence personnel, including David Petraeus, who were organically linked to the Nazi Odessa network headed by George Bush Sr.

The US Nazi-continuum was planning to start World War Three by sinking their own aircraft carrier groups in the Persian Gulf theatre 911-style and, with the help of AIPAC/Zionist Israel, to blame it on Iran. With some help from positive security factions in Old Europe, Russia, China and Turkey prevented this outcome.

There are important factions within the IMF and Interpol who are being very positive, now, in progressing global affairs towards the international currency re-sets and a benevolent, free-energy outcome for all.

More background here and here.

Pope Benedict Resigns

Pope Benedict Resigns:
Pope Benedict resigns
It’s most probable that the resignation of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, the auditing of Queen Elizabeth of  England, and the resignation of Pope Benedict are related and are part of the accountability sweep we’ve been long expecting. If so, things are moving quickly at the present time.

Pope Benedict XVI announces resignation

Paul Owen, Guardian, Feb. 11, 2013


Here is a summary of today’s key events:
• Pope Benedict XVI has resigned, saying that at his age he cannot carry out all his tasks adequately and is losing strength in body and mind. His brother Georg suggested he was finding it difficult to walk and had been advised to stop making transatlantic journeys.
• The pope will step down on 28 February. A papal conclave will follow to elect his successor, who will be in place by the end of March, and perhaps in time for holy week on 24 March.
• Ghana’s Cardinal Peter Turkson, Nigeria’s Cardinal Francis Arinze, Canada’s Cardinal Marc Ouellet, and Italy’s Angelo Scola emerged as some of the leading candidates to succeed Benedict.  One of the next pope’s first trips abroad is likely to be to Rio de Janeiro for World Youth Day on 1 July.
• Benedict says he wishes to continue to serve the Catholic church “through a life dedicated to prayer”. He will revert to his former title of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger upon his resignation, the Catholic church in England said. There was “absolute silence” this morning when the pope told cardinals the news, according to Mexican prelate Monsignor Oscar Sanchez, who witnessed his resignation.
• The pope made his decision over the last few months, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said, and it took all his closest aides by surprise. He will honour his commitments until he steps down. Lombardi said this was Benedict’s own personal decision. Upon resigning, he will go to the papal summer residence near Rome, and then will move to a cloistered residence in the Vatican, which may make life difficult for his successor.
• The archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, the head of the Anglican church, said he had learned of the pope’s resignation with a “heavy heart but complete understanding“.
• The last pope to resign was Gregory XII, in 1415.
• Child abuse victims in Ireland and the US criticised Benedict for not having done more to deal with the scandals of paedophile priests in the Catholic church.
I’m going to hand over to my colleague Tom McCarthy in New York now for continuing coverage of the reaction to Pope Benedict’s resignation.

Here’s the front page of today’s Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper.

41m ago
Bill McMurry, a lawyer from Kentucky, who has sued the Vatican for sexual abuse allegations going back as far as 1928, has told Karen McVeigh in New York it was difficult for him to believe that Benedict had stepped down for health reasons.
He said: “The world is stunned. We don’t see in the history of the papal world a pope stand down. It makes you wonder what’s going on.”
McMurry said he personally held Benedict responsible for “decades” of cover-up of the sex abuse scandal in the US, giving the example of his instructing bishops to send more paedophile priests from one district to another. He told the Guardian: “It is a good day when a bad pope or a bad leader of your religion steps aside.”
44m ago
Alex Fenton-Thomas profiles the two other candidates that bookies are now predicting might replace Benedict.

Cardinal Francis Arinze

Converted from traditional animist beliefs at the age of nine, the Igbo Nigerian Cardinal Francis Arinze has been touted as papabile since before Pope John Paul II and was a leading candidate to be elected in 2005.

He made his name during the Nigeria-Biafra war when, as archbishop of Onitsha, he organised the distribution of food and medical supplies to the poor in a region torn apart by the conflict. He was made a cardinal in 1985 and is known for his tolerance of elements of traditional worship in Catholic mass.

Cardinal Marc Ouellet

Marc Ouellet, a French-Canadian, has also been linked with the papacy in the past, especially since being appointed the head of the Congregation of Bishops, which appoints bishops throughout the world. Born in 1944 in rural Quebec, he was appointed archbishop of Quebec in 2002 and made cardinal a year later. He attracted controversy in 2010 when he addressed an anti-abortion conference in Quebec City, saying that terminating a pregnancy was a “moral crime”.
And west Africa correspondent Afua Hirsch adds this on Cardinal Peter Turkson:

Cardinal Peter Turkson

Peter Turkson, 64, was born on 11 October 1948 in Nsuta-Wassaw, a mining hub in Ghana’s western region, to a Methodist mother and a Catholic father. He studied and taught abroad in New York and Rome, before being ordained to the priesthood in 1975 and appointed archbishop of Cape Coast – the former colonial capital of Ghana and a key diocese – in 1992.
As archbishop Turkson was known for his human touch, colleagues said. “We love him,” said Archbishop Gabriel Charles Palmer-Buckle, metropolitan archbishop of Ghanaian capital Accra, who was made archbishop in Ghana at the same time as Cardinal Turkson and has known him since school. “For Ghanaians he was our first cardinal, and to be made cardinal in his 50s was a big feather in our cap.”
Turkson’s popularity in west Africa has been boosted by his regular TV appearances, particularly a weekly broadcast on state television channel Ghana TV, Catholic Digest. He has maintained strong ties with his native country in addition to his duties in the Vatican.
Turkson’s time in the role has not been without controversy, however. He sparked an outcry last year when he screened a YouTube film at an international meeting of bishops featuring alarmist predictions at the rise of Islam in Europe.
The clip, Muslim Demographics, features claims such as: “In just 39 years France will be an Islamic republic.”
Colleagues in Ghana voiced approval towards Cardinal Turkson’s stance on social matters, but confirmed that he would be unlikely to take the church in a radical direction on contentious issues such as abortion and contraception.
In the past Turkson has not ruled out the use of condoms but advocated abstinence and fidelity, and treatment for HIV infected people above spending on and promoting the use of contraception.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Strange Computer Code Discovered Concealed In Superstring Equations

Strange Computer Code Discovered Concealed In Superstring Equations:

Note: I disagree with the conclusion of this video, otherwise its very good.  We are not simulations, we are real, the Creator/Source/God/Allah/Cosmic Intelligence just created a Universe that is programmable. Its nothing to fear.  It just IS. The implication is both staggering and empowering. You affect REALITY and how it behaves.  You are part of the operating system and you influence its behavior.  That's why Intent, BE-ing, and DO-ing is so important, and why the slave system you current live in does everything to prevent you from understanding that.

Every particle in the universe has 4 quantum logic states: TRUE, INDETERMINATE, UNKNOWN, and FALSE.  All particles are either storing quantum bits (qubits), or calculating them.  For more on this subject see the book Programming the Universe by MIT optical computing researcher Seth Lloyd.  Also what this video doesn't say is that Claude Shannon's work is also the basis of modern neural network theory. -AK

Strange Computer Code Discovered Concealed In Superstring Equations! !!!

Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]

Date: Saturday, 9-Feb-2013 22:49:54

Published on Mar 21, 2012

"Doubly-even self-dual linear binary error-correcting block code," first invented by Claude Shannon in the 1940's, has been discovered embedded WITHIN the equations of superstring theory!

Why does nature have this? What errors does it need to correct? What is an 'error' for nature? More importantly what is the explanation for this freakish discovery? Your guess is as good as mine.


1.) Recent NPR interview with Professor Gates:

2.) Gates original paper:

Friday, February 8, 2013

Audit the Fed Petition 2013

Audit the Fed Petition 2013:
Dear Friend of Liberty,

Our fragile economy is speeding toward a collision with economic ruin - and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has jammed his foot down on the gas pedal.

With our nation now over $16.4 TRILLION in debt, it's never been more important the Federal Reserve's abuses are exposed to the American people once and for all.

That's why the American people must force Congress to Audit the out-of-control Federal Reserve.

So please sign your Audit the Fed petition to Campaign for Liberty to make your voice clearly heard on this vital issue.

And after signing the petition below, please consider making a generous contribution to help Campaign for Liberty fight this important battle.

Pass Audit the Fed Petition to:
My Congressman and U.S. Senators

Whereas:   The Federal Reserve still refuses to give a full public accounting of the TRILLIONS in recent taxpayer-backed loans; and
Whereas:   Allowing the Fed to remain out of control and shrouded in secrecy clearly allows for abuse and the continued bankrupting of our nation through inflation and unaccounted electronic bank "loans"; and
Whereas:   The Federal Reserve's abuses lead to constant economic crises like the current housing crisis, international banking crisis, and the resulting chaos; and
Whereas:   The Federal Reserve System forces fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs upward, meaning that everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of money slowly decreases;
Therefore: I urge you to support a complete and thorough audit of the Fed. 

In the Money, Federal Reserve, World Banks Foreclosed On

In the Money, Federal Reserve, World Banks Foreclosed On:

The news has been broke, the world banks have been legally and officially  foreclosed on. Yes, reread what you have just read, the world banks have been legally foreclosed on. The Federal Reserve, The Hague, The World Bank,The United Nations, The IMF, the BIS ( Bank of International Settlements), and many others are included.

Now this news hasn’t hit mainstream media, for obvious reasons. Mass hysteria, media agreements with governments, and economic implications.  A group called “The One People’s Public Trust” released an “announcement”, a document stating they had a person on the inside gathering information for them. There is a passage that reads, ” The people, all people equally on earth have an individual, duly verified sum  certain of 5 billion, in lawful money of the United States of America gold and silver. Over 3 quintillion, 500 quadrillion, (which, by the way is a 3 and a 5 followed by 17 zeros) just and duly verified equity debt against the debtors. There is an additionally duly verified sum of 5 billion in lawful money of the United States of America, gold and silver, for each of those people damaged by the actions and systems of the debtors, over 3 quadrillion lawful money of the United States of America, gold and silver, in duly verified debt of damages against the debtors.”


What does this mean exactly? Well that is still up in the air. Could each human receive a giant lump sum of money? Will the money just go into a giant pool to which we can all borrow against it, ending Fiscal Cliff talks, and the failing economies world-wide? Here is the most likely outcome to this, nothing will happen. It will be covered up like everything else. I like to call it the Nikola Tesla effect. If you don’t know who Tesla is he invented the AC (alternation current) induction motor. In easier terms a never ending source of electricity, which doesn’t need to travel through wires.  Why haven’t you heard of him you ask? J.P. Morgan and Thomas Edison met with him and Tesla’s invention wouldn’t bring in the revenue Edison’s  ideas would. Again cash over mind won even over 100 years ago.

If we were to be given this large sum of money how would we react? Would we be foolish and spend it all on lavish houses and Lambo’s? Would we help with cancer research, AIDS research? Would we all decide to help the third world countries of this planet and bring them up to date? There is  a danger in people acquiring a large amount of money they don’t work for. They spend foolishly, and are broke again before they know it. Did you know 70% of all lottery winners squander away their winnings within a few years.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the coming weeks and months. Will this news hit mainstream media? Where will all this money go? How will people react to whatever decision is made on the money? Who will be the ones making the decisions on what goes on with the money? So, many questions, so much room for cover-up. Will the truth come out, or like so many other things will the governments and people in charge silence those that try to spread the truth? Yet, most importantly, what color Lambo are you getting, mine will be bright yellow.  By Steve Kish

Bush Email Hacking Being Investigated By Secret Service

Bush Email Hacking Being Investigated By Secret Service: Feb 8 (Reuters) - The U.S. Secret Service is investigating whether former President George H.W. Bush's email was hacked along with other family members and friends, the agency said on Friday.

That probe comes in response to reports that a handful of email accounts that include correspondence involving the former president and other family members were exposed by a computer hacker. The Smoking Gun website said photos and personal correspondence, including emails related to Bush's recent hospitalization, were uncovered when the accounts were breached.

"The Secret Service will confirm that it is investigating," spokesman Brian Leary said. A Bush family spokesman declined to comment.

Among the material that was lifted were a October 2012 list of home addresses, cell phone numbers, and emails for former presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and other relatives, according to The Smoking Gun.

The hacker apparently posted material on an online account, labeling them with a watermark that read "Guccifer," the report said. (Reporting by Daniel Trotta; Editing by Paul Thomasch and Doina Chiacu)



Thursday, February 7, 2013

Federal Reserve, DOE Confirm Hackers Breached Servers, Stole Data

Federal Reserve, DOE Confirm Hackers Breached Servers, Stole Data:

The U.S. banking and energy agencies confirmed that hackers, in separate incidents, breached their systems and made off with hundreds of accounts.

Two federal agencies acknowledged this week that hackers had breached their systems and stole the personal and account information of workers.

On Feb. 3, a group claiming to be affiliated with Anonymous stated on Pastebin that they had compromised a server at the Federal Reserve, which oversees the banking system in the United States and grabbed personal details of 4,000 banking executives. On Wednesday, the financial agency confirmed that hackers had exploited a flaw and stolen information.

"The Federal Reserve System is aware that information was obtained by exploiting a temporary vulnerability in a Website vendor product. The vulnerability was fixed shortly after discovery and is no longer an issue," a Federal Reserve spokesperson stated in an e-mail sent to several news agencies. "This incident did not affect critical operations of the Federal Reserve System."

Such an information leak, known as doxing, is a popular way among hacktivists to embarrass a target.
On Feb. 2, the Department of Energy notified employees that a similar attack had resulted in the leak of hundreds of employees' and contractors' personally identifiable information (PII) in January. The incident, first reported by the Washington Free Beacon, is currently being investigated by the FBI and follows last week's reports that a number of high-profile media firms—such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post—had been targeted by cyber espionage campaigns linked to China.

While the damage from the attacks appears to be minor, the fact that two government agencies responsible for critical components of the U.S. economy have been breached is significant, said Rocky DeStefano, CEO of security consultancy VisibleRisk.

"Losing records or being 'doxed' is annoying and potentially dangerous, no question. But what would keep me up at night is the 'what else?'," DeStefano said in an e-mail interview. "If the aggressors in each situation are willing to release this information so easily, what else do they maintain access to that we don't yet know about?  To me that is the real question in all of this."

The lack of information about the attacks from each agency is a cause for concern among security professionals. The Federal Reserve breach, for example, could lead back to vulnerabilities in ColdFusion, the software framework used to build the agency's Website, Chris Wysopal, chief technology officer for application-security firm Veracode, said in a blog post. Yet, without more information from the Federal Reserve, other companies using the software will be left vulnerable.

"I wish they would just come out and say exactly what the problem was so that other users of the 'Website vendor product' could check to see if they are vulnerable and ask the vendor how to fix it," Wysopal stated.

"The attackers already know the vulnerability so it is likely many more sites are being exploited with the same vulnerability. Who exactly is the Fed protecting by not releasing this information? The security community needs your help."

While some security experts questioned whether Anonymous had overstated the number of bank executives affected by the leak, identity-protection service PwnedList confirmed that 4,608 individuals were impacted by the breach. Of particular concern is that many executives had both a personal and addresses listed, which could lead to convincing spear phishing attacks, Steve Thomas, co-founder of PwnedList, said in an e-mail interview.

"From our analysis, any bank, large or small, should be concerned about the information that was leaked in this data breach," Thomas said. "We have already worked with several banks to help identify and secure vulnerable executives."

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Chained to the Wall

Chained to the Wall:

It's not like
we haven't been warned about this.  Plato's Cave tells our story.  Bill
Hicks spoke about it.  George Carlin joked about it.  David Icke warns
us about it still.  About five years ago, Dream Hopper had the following
dream which is a foreshadowing of now.

He lived in a
place where everything was available to him.  Life was pretty
straightforward.  There wasn't much to do, but it wasn't necessarily
painful or difficult either. Yet, everyone was shackled.  Now these
chains were long.  He could move around freely and do pretty much
anything he could think of.  People chose where their chain was worn,
the ankle, the wrist, the waist, the neck.  These chains were not
locked.  But they were worn by everyone.  

Every once in
awhile it would occur to someone that "there must be something better
than this."  They would unhook their chain and go out the door.  This
had been going on for quite some time and there were stories about the
result.  Going out the door was risky and always ended in some sort of
destruction for the one who did it.

people didn't come back.  The ones who did had horrible stories, to
include losing tons of money, falling off the grid, not being able to
get anything going and being worn out bodily, mentally, emotionally and
spiritually.  They just couldn't do it anymore.  They believed the
others, the ones who had never come back, must have met some untimely

DH unhooks
himself and goes out the door.  He struggles and finds himself out of
money and out of time.  He does notice while this is going on, that
those who hadn't returned were not dead.  They seemed to have figured it
out.  They were doing okay.

He, however,
was not.  He couldn't figure it out.  He went back and re-attached his
chain.  He gave in to the strong desire for it to be easier.  

Time passed and
again, he grew tired of the chain.  He left, this time with a new
strategy.  He decided to get to know the successful ones.  He would
learn from them.

He noticed what
they did.  They did not negotiate with the "owners of the room" he had
been chained in.  They just did not deal with them at all.  The only way
to not be a part of that system was to just not be a part of that system.

He tried it
their way.  He only dealt with and negotiated with people who were
successful.  He did not deal with those "in charge of the room". Once he
started doing that, he became successful.  It wasn't instant but it

Excited with
his discovery, he ran back to the room, threw open the door and said
"You don't have to be in here! There is another way to do this!  Come

Nobody moved.

He said it again.

Mostly no one responded.

So he left.  He woke up before hearing the end of their stories. 

We are in new
territory.  Our chains have been removed for us with the UCC filings of
the One People's Public Trust.  It is upon us now to Be.  Be Free.  This
will take bravery, tenacity and belief.  We are challenging all that we
have ever known.  It is up to us to go out the door first, and then
return and tell the others. 

No one is going
to open the door or separate us from our chains.  We have to do that
ourselves, each of us, in our own way.  Freedom isn't something that is
granted to you, freedom is something that you take.  It is something
that you know.  It is truth.

Free is what you are.  Love is who you are.  Understand the truth of what has happened with the One People's Public Trust
and then return and tell the others.  This is why you are here and the
moment is upon you right now.  We are the One's we've been waiting for.


Guide to the George Soros Network

Guide to the George Soros Network:

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's BillsBest: Guide to the George Soros Network
Posted By: CGI_admin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 6-Feb-2013 15:43:03

Posted by Charleston Voice

Also read: George Soros Funded: The Center for American Progress’ Jihad Against the Free World


George Soros is one of the most powerful men on earth. A New York hedge fund manager, he has amassed a personal fortune estimated at about $13 billion (as of 2009). His company, Soros Fund Management, controls at least another $25 billion in investor assets. Since 1979, Soros's foundation network -- whose flagship is the Open Society Institute (OSI) -- has dispensed more than $5 billion to a multitude of organizations whose objectives are consistent with those of Soros. With assets of $1.93 billion as of 2008, OSI alone donates scores of millions of dollars annually to these various groups. Following is a sampling of the major agendas advanced by groups that Soros and OSI support financially. Listed under each category heading are a few OSI donees fitting that description. Organizations that accuse America of violating the civil rights and liberties of many of its residents: Read more>>

Monday, February 4, 2013

DNA Gun? -- Mind Blow #58

DNA Gun? -- Mind Blow #58:

The Public Trust Forecloses on Major Corporations, Including Banks

The Public Trust Forecloses on Major Corporations, Including Banks:
Re-Blogged From Removing The Shackles

OPPT: Press Release- For Immediate Release

This is the first official Press Release about the OPPT.  Take it and run with it!  Please send it to your local main stream media, college news papers, community papers, radio stations, TV stations.

It's time to let the world know!

Alert: The Public Trust Forecloses on Major
Corporations, Including Banks

February 04, 2013 -- The One People's Public Trust today is alerting each man, woman, and child on this planet that banks and corporations operating under the guise of the people’s governments have been foreclosed upon by their own free will. The titles, ownership, and rights of these corporations and all their assets are now duly secured and held in trust for the one people of this planet, equally.

Multiple investigations uncovered evidence of principals, agents, and beneficiaries of a slavery system that knowingly performed substantial and systemic deceptive acts and practices, fraud, theft, and commandeering of the value of the one people of this planet without their knowing, willing and intentional consent. Based on the record of this slavery system, The Public Trust lawfully and legally duly registered the foreclosure, judgment, and remedy against these corporations for the damages made and done against the people of this planet that they have damaged.

This action is the outcome of multiple-year investigations. People of the planet, on every country, may have a financial interest in the assets of these former principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the foreclosed corporations and banks. Interested people everywhere on this planet are encouraged to investigate this matter on their own. See

The Public Trust asserts what is: that each man, woman, and child has unalienable value and rights granted and deposited in them by the Creator and not any one of the people is subordinate to any artificial principality, corporate fiction or the special interest of another without their appropriate knowing, willing and intentional consent made by contract or accommodation agreement. The Public Trust expressed that which already was. The people have already determined and demanded that public banking systems, national governments, and their supporting judicial systems must be fully transparent, accountable, and liable. The Public Trust has secured the value for all concerned, for all People are created equal.

About One People’s Public Trust (OPPT)
The Public Trust, the One People's Public Trust, People's Public Trust 1776, etc., are duly secured, entered into Law Ordinance, inclusive of Universal Law Ordinance, notice by action of entry into International Law Ordinance, notice by public registration.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                       FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20130204: Queen Beatrix quits, the Rockefellers flee, the Bushes are rats in a trap; Queen Elizabeth, the Pope and the Rothschilds are still standing

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20130204: Queen Beatrix quits, the Rockefellers flee, the Bushes are rats in a trap; Queen Elizabeth, the Pope and the Rothschilds are still standing:
The announcement last week that Queen “Bilderberg” Beatrix of the Netherlands was abdicating the throne is but a visible sign of some fundamental changes in the secret power structure of the West. In a yet to be publicly confirmed move, David and J. Rockefeller have fled to an Island near Fiji, according to a CIA source. The Bush family, for its part, tried to flee via an airport in Arkansas but were prevented from doing so by the FBI, the same source says.
This source, who correctly predicted the resignation of Queen Beatrix is also saying that Queen Elizabeth with resign in favour of her grandson in the near future.
These moves are all connected to the ongoing counter-attack against the genocidal Western elitists affiliated with the Bilderberg group, the Council on Foreign Relations and other related organizations. As will be described below, there is a lot more to come.
Also, at the time of this writing Lord James Sassoon has not responded to a hand-written letter delivered to him last week at the House of Lords in England asking for comment on the allegations that he bribed 82 politicians (actually paid actors) affiliated with Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
There are also plenty of indications of escalating infighting within the financial elite. The SWIFT international banking transfer system, for example, is becoming dysfunctional because
Weekly Geopolitical News and Analys

Friday, February 1, 2013

Ten most beautiful tree tunnels in the world

Ten most beautiful tree tunnels in the world:

10. Cherry Blossom Tunnel, Germany


Each spring, a peaceful street, located in the German city of Bonn, transforms into an enchanting cherry blossom tunnel. Photographer Marcel Bednarz captured this stunning sight of cherry blossoms in full bloom. He explained to me that there are actually two streets in Bonn where cherry trees are planted, but the one you see in the above picture is called Heerstraße. As you may know, the average cherry blossom lasts only between 7 and 10 days, depending on weather conditions. 09 more after the break…

09. Rua Gonçalo de Carvalho, Brasil


Number nine goes to Brazil’s green tunnel from Porto Alegre, Rua Gonçalo de Carvalho.
According to a decree signed in 2006 by former mayor Joseph Fogaça,
this beautiful street is part of the country’s historical, cultural, ecological and environmental heritage.
There are more than one hundred towering Tipuana (Rosewood) trees along Rua Gonçalo de Carvalho.
The great shade trees stretch over three city blocks, which is a good thing for the city’s overall health.
Did you know that trees, properly planted around buildings, can reduce air conditioning demands by up to 30%?

08. Autumn Tree Tunnel, USA


Photographed in glorious autumn colors by Kevin McNeal, this tree tunnel is simply astonishing!
The picture was taken on the way up to Smuggler’s Notch, a Vermont state park.
The eye-catching foliage starts changing its color in the northern region,
in response to many environmental factors, and spreads south as the fall season advances.

07. Ginkgo Tree Tunnel, Japan


Gingko biloba is a highly venerated tree in Japanese culture. Six ginkgo trees survived the Hiroshima bombing, continuing to grow despite facing so many challenges, and are still alive today.
Therefore, the Japanese regard the gingko as “the bearer of hope”.
It is also known as “the survivor” or “the living fossil.”
Around 65,000 ginkgoes grace Tokyo’s streets, gardens and parks today.
According to some people who visited Tokyo, the tunnel you see in the above picture
is located in the outer garden of Meiji Shrine.

06. Yew Tree Tunnel, UK


The medieval Aberglasney House features one of the most beautiful gardens in Wales, UK.
They have been an inspiration to writers since 1470. The Yew Tunnel is a popular tourist attraction in this area. Believe it or not, it took nine years of pruning to restore this unique archway. “Years of neglect had left it unsafe and with a perilous future, as the once formally clipped structure had grown even higher than the top of the Mansion itself. It is so nice to see it looking invigorated and healthy again,
I had every confidence that with careful restoration it would help its future longevity,
but I have to confess that it did look drastic at the time,” declared Graham Rankin,
one of Aberglasney’s directors.
The Yew Tunnel is thought to have been planted by the Dyer family of Aberglasney, during the 18th century.

05. The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland


Tucked away in the county of Antrim, these beautiful beech trees are thought to be around 300 years old. According to local records, James Stuart planted the 150 beech trees in the 18th century,
to impress guests as they approached his splendid property, Gracehill House.
Legend tells that the spirit of a maid, who lived in a neighboring mansion and died in mysterious circumstances hundreds of years ago, haunts the country road. “Grey Lady” silently floats along the road and quickly disappears as she reaches the last beech tree.

04. Bamboo Path, Japan


The Sagano Bamboo Forest is located in Arashiyama, a nationally-designated historic site.
The pathway you see in the above picture is 500m long, and runs through one of Japan’s most beautiful bamboo forests. No wonder the Agency for Cultural Affairs declared Arashiyama a “Place of Scenic Beauty”.
This forest is close to many famous temple and shrines, including the Adashino Nenbutsu-ji Temple.
The sound the wind makes, as it blows through the tall bamboo trees,
has been voted by the Japanese authorities as one of 100 must-preserve sounds of Japan.

03. Tunnel of Love, Ukraine


The Ukrainian Tunnel of Love is actually a two-mile sector of private railway that serves a woodworking plant near Klevan, a small city located in western Ukraine.
I read somewhere that couples pass through this romantic tunnel to make a wish.
The myth goes that, if their love is strong and pure, the wish will come true.
May all of your wishes come true, but watch out for the train! It runs three times a day through the leafy tunnel.

02. Jacarandas Walk, South Africa


Over 10 million trees keep South Africa’s largest city green. According to several unofficial sources, Johannesburg is home to the world’s largest man-made forest.
There are at least 49 species of Jacaranda, most of them native to South America (particularly in Uruguay, Brazil, Peru & Argentina), and the Caribbean basin.
The tropical trees were imported to South Africa over one hundred years ago.
October is the month when the flowers of thousands of Jacaranda trees are in full blossom.
This spectacular tree tunnel is located either in Johannesburg or Pretoria,
the Jacaranda City where 70,000+ Jacarandas add vivid splashes of purple-blue to the urban landscape.

01. Wisteria Tunnel, Japan


As soon as the cherry blossom season ends, the gorgeous Wisteria flowers, that hang in grape-like clusters,
take their turn on the Japanese floral calendar. The Fuji Matsuri, or Wisteria Festival, is celebrated each spring in Tokyo, Shizuoka, and Okazaki.
The Ashikaga Flower Park is one of the best places to admire different varieties of wisteria, including double-petaled wisteria, giant wisteria and yellow, white, light pink or purple variants of wisteria.