Sunday, February 10, 2013

Strange Computer Code Discovered Concealed In Superstring Equations

Strange Computer Code Discovered Concealed In Superstring Equations:

Note: I disagree with the conclusion of this video, otherwise its very good.  We are not simulations, we are real, the Creator/Source/God/Allah/Cosmic Intelligence just created a Universe that is programmable. Its nothing to fear.  It just IS. The implication is both staggering and empowering. You affect REALITY and how it behaves.  You are part of the operating system and you influence its behavior.  That's why Intent, BE-ing, and DO-ing is so important, and why the slave system you current live in does everything to prevent you from understanding that.

Every particle in the universe has 4 quantum logic states: TRUE, INDETERMINATE, UNKNOWN, and FALSE.  All particles are either storing quantum bits (qubits), or calculating them.  For more on this subject see the book Programming the Universe by MIT optical computing researcher Seth Lloyd.  Also what this video doesn't say is that Claude Shannon's work is also the basis of modern neural network theory. -AK

Strange Computer Code Discovered Concealed In Superstring Equations! !!!

Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]

Date: Saturday, 9-Feb-2013 22:49:54

Published on Mar 21, 2012

"Doubly-even self-dual linear binary error-correcting block code," first invented by Claude Shannon in the 1940's, has been discovered embedded WITHIN the equations of superstring theory!

Why does nature have this? What errors does it need to correct? What is an 'error' for nature? More importantly what is the explanation for this freakish discovery? Your guess is as good as mine.


1.) Recent NPR interview with Professor Gates:

2.) Gates original paper:

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