Thursday, January 31, 2013

Farmers Begin Planting Hemp Under New Colorado Hemp Legalization

Farmers Begin Planting Hemp Under New Colorado Hemp Legalization:

 Farmers Begin Planting Hemp Under New Colorado Hemp

31 January A.D. 2013

If the coasts get clobbered the way some expect may happen, then having hemp
growing in the "high lands" may provide a source of fuel, among other
by-products from hemp, that could be unavailable from the popular and
convenient sources today (which depend on coastal-area refineries, which, if
the coasts get clobbered, may not survive whatever it is that's coming).

Why Prohibition? To keep alternative fuels out of the marketplace during the
start of the auto industry. Hemp is one of those alternative sources of fuel.
It's pretty well been clobbered as a "drug." It was the exact
opposite early in this nation. Hemp is one of the sources for the fibers for
the ropes used for the sailing vessels, among other places we find
"hemp" ropes.

The beneficial by-products from hemp are numerous. It may be one of the crops
that helps whoever survives what's coming survive. God [YAHUAH] willing, it'll
be a crop that helps the entire nation survive what's coming.

As with guns, as with raw milk dairies, as with goods and services of all
types, the "place" in which the feds have authority "to
regulate" is that "place" where goods and services are exchanged
for "funny money." If the hemp farmers will insist on trading for
something, anything, other than "funny money," they'll have a
defense, at any rate, that may keep the feds at bay.

Don't plan anything based on one email or even a series of emails. Get the
whole of the reality in mind first. That may be a considerable study. Just know
that "choice of law" is "everything" when it comes to the
"authority" to regulate, and where the commercial activity is
over/with/via "funny money," i.e., to be extremely, overtly clear, if
the hemp is sold for "federal reserve notes," in any form, whether
"paper" or "plastic," those hemp farmers are dangerously
close to inviting federal regulatory authority right down on top of themselves.

May YAHUAH guide and protect those who call upon His name (which means, in the
main context, those who make it a habit of doing their absolute best to be
obedient to His Laws in everything they do) and who venture forth into the hemp
industry, which this nation, and likely this world, so badly needs to see

Harmon L. Taylor

Legal Reality

Dallas, Texas

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-------- Original Message --------


Begin Planting Hemp Under New Colorado Hemp Legalization


30 Jan 2013 19:01:12 -0700

Farmers Begin
Planting Hemp Under New Colorado Hemp Legalization

Articles Environment
Society — 29 January 2013
by Anthony Gucciardi

Many farmers in Colorado
will be expanding their list of planted crops this Spring after groundbreaking
legislation was passed last November that allowed not only for the legalization
of marijuana, but hemp as well. Now in case you’re not familiar, hemp is
actually a multi-purpose substance that does not produce the high effects of
marijuana. In fact, it’s mainly used as a super cheap and highly efficient
building material — at least in other nations where ridiculous bans are not
enforced on the ‘high-free’ material.

Colorado farmers like
Michael Bowman will be planting 100 acres of hemp to be harvested and sold off
as not only building material, but a highly nutritious superfood. While
marijuana is considerably high in the substance known as THC (delta-9
tetrahydrocannabinol), which of course is the compound that produces the ‘high’
effects, it’s also significantly low in what’s known as CDB [sic;
CBD] (cannabidiol). That’s where hemp comes in. Both THC and CDB [sic;
CBD] are known as cannabinoids, but hemp is particularly high in CDB [sic; CBD]
while lacking in THC.

Hemp as a Superfood, Industry Transformer
These cannabinoids
have actually been promoted by many first hand sources as not only a health
optimizing substance, but a serious solution to cancer. One popular documentary
titled ‘Run from the Cure’ by Rick Simpson, which is available for free on
Youtube, focuses on the use of hemp oil to conquer cancer.

Rich in essential
oils, fiber, and a close to complete amino acid profile, hemp contains
beneficial ingredients such as:

•Linoleic acid (44%
of the weight of hempseed is actually full of edible oils)
•Omega 3 fatty acids
(shown time and time again to fight against anxiety, depression, and even
•A ‘complete’ amino
profile that surpasses the profile of eggs, milk, soy, and many meats. This
includes the 9 essential aminos that the human body cannot produce on its own.

It is for these
reasons that hemp is utilized today in many high quality products like protein
shakes, energy bars, and many more food products. Two tablespoons of shelled
hemp seeds contain about 11 grams of protein and 2 grams of unsaturated omega-3
fatty acids.

Its versatility
allows it to be a prime ingredient even in clothing and fabric-based
industries. It could transform the entire industry, replacing unsustainable
materials with environmentally friendly hemp.

Feds: ‘We Will Come for Your Hemp’
That is if the
federal government doesn’t seize it across the nation. The DEA has its sights
set on confiscating all hemp planted and grown in the United States through
citing the Controlled Substances Act, which doesn’t differentiate between
marijuana and hemp. The agents, which will ignore state law and enforce federal
law throughout any state, say that they will be going after farmers who plant
non-THC hemp as if they were planting marijuana. After all, they say it doesn’t
matter what it actually is.

“It really doesn’t
matter whether it looks different or it looks the same,” DEA agent Paul Roach
told NPR. “If it’s the cannabis plant, it’s in the Controlled Substances Act
and, therefore, enforceable under federal drug law.”

In the event that
Colorado manages to generate acres of hemp without the federal government
raiding the super efficient substance that is classified as a dangerous drug,
it will provide a serious industry change that may spread to other states and
potentially even federal law. In the more likely scenario of federal agents
jailing hemp farmers and raiding their ‘drug’ operations, an intellectual and
legal resistance will be in order to attempt to alter the ridiculous laws
surrounding the cultivation of hemp.

[from comments (needs to
be verified)]:

You might want to review
the "run from the cure" video in question, the thc which is lacking
in the hemp crop is the key ingredient in the cancer cure you are referencing.

IN5D: Huge UFO Captured On ISS Film

IN5D: Huge UFO Captured On ISS Film:

Huge UFO Captured On ISS FilmHuge UFO Captured On ISS Film

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

On January 23, 2013, a large triangle shaped UFO was captured on film by the International Space Station via images posted on NASA's website.

The actual size of the unidentified flying object remains unknown but several pictures captured the event.

Speculation also arises when discussing whether this UFO is "one of ours" or not.

Below are the pictures that were posted on NASA's website.  You can find a direct link of these pictures here and here to view for yourself.

Huge UFO Captured On ISS Film
Huge UFO Captured On ISS Film

IN5D: The 18 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever

IN5D: The 18 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever:

Imagine what our society would be like if only 1 or 2 of these inventions weren't suppressed?

The Original Electric Car: Unplugged?

The Original Electric Car: Unplugged?
Perhaps the most notorious suppressed invention is the General Motors EV1, subject of the 2006 documentary, Who Killed the Electric Car? The EV1 was the world’s first mass-produced electric car, with 800 of them up for lease from GM in the late ’90s. GM ended the EV1 line in 1999, stating that consumers weren’t happy with the limited driving range of the car’s batteries, making it unprofitable to continue production.

Many skeptics, however, believe GM killed the EV1 under pressure from oil companies, who stand to lose the most if high-efficiency vehicles conquer the market. It didn’t help that GM hunted down and destroyed every last EV1, ensuring the technology would die out.

The Death of the American Streetcar

The Death of the American Streetcar
In 1921, if the streetcar industry wasn’t actually naming streetcars Desire, it was certainly desiring more streetcars. They netted $1 billion, causing General Motors to hemorrhage $65 million in the face of a thriving industry. GM retaliated by buying and closing hundreds of independent railway companies, boosting the market for gas-guzzling GM buses and cars. While a recent urban movement to rescue mass transit has been underway, it is unlikely we’ll ever see streetcars return to their former glory.

The 99-MPG Car

The 99-MPG Car
The holy grail of automotive technology is the 99-mpg car. Although the technology has been available for years, automakers have deliberately withheld it from the U.S. market. In 2000, the New York Times reported a little-known fact, at least to most: A diesel-powered dynamo called the Volkswagen Lupo had driven around the world averaging higher than 99 mpg. The Lupo was sold in Europe from 1998 to 2005 but, once again, automakers prevented it from coming to market; they claimed Americans had no interest in small, fuel-efficient cars.

Free Energy

Free Energy
Nikola Tesla was more than just the inspiration for a hair metal band, he was also an undisputed genius. In 1899, he figured out a way to bypass fossil-fuel-burning power plants and power lines, proving that “free energy” could be harnessed using ionization in the upper atmosphere to produce electrical vibrations. J.P. Morgan, who had been funding Tesla’s research, had a bit of buyer’s remorse when he realized that free energy for all wasn’t as profitable as, say, actually charging people for every watt of energy use. Morgan then drove another nail in free energy’s coffin by chasing away other investors, ensuring Tesla’s dream would die.

Miracle Cancer Cure

Miracle Cancer Cure
In 2001, Nova Scotian Rick Simpson discovered that a cancerous spot on his skin disappeared within a few days of applying an essential oil made from marijuana. Since then, Simpson and others have treated thousands of cancer patients with incredible success. Researchers in Spain have confirmed that THC, an active compound in marijuana, kills brain-tumor cells in human subjects and shows promise with breast, pancreatic and liver tumors. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, however, classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, meaning that it has no accepted medical use, unlike Schedule II drugs, like cocaine and methamphetamine, which may provide medical benefits. What a buzzkill.

Water-Powered Vehicles

Water-Powered Vehicles
Despite how silly it sounds, water-fueled vehicles do exist. The most famous is Stan Meyer’s dune buggy, which achieved 100 miles per gallon and might have become more commonplace had Meyer not succumbed to a suspicious brain aneurysm at 57. Insiders have loudly claimed that Meyer was poisoned after he refused to sell his patents or end his research. Fearing a conspiracy, his partners have all but gone underground (or should we say underwater?) and taken his famed water-powered dune buggy with them. We just hope someone finally brings back the amphibious car.


What if you had a device that could see into the future and revisit the past? And what if you didn’t need Christopher Lloyd to help you? Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti, an Italian priest, claimed in the 1960s to have invented what he called a Chronovisor, something that allowed him to witness Christ’s crucifixion. The device supposedly enabled viewers to watch any event in human history by tuning in to remnant vibrations that are caused by every action. (His team of researchers and builders included Enrico Fermi, who also worked on the first atomic bomb). On his deathbed, Fermi admitted that he had faked viewings of ancient Greece and Christ’s demise, but insisted the Chronovisor, which had by then vanished, still worked. Unsurprisingly, conspiracy theorists say the Vatican is now the likely owner of the original Chronovisor.

Rife Devices

Rife Devices
American inventor Royal Rife (his real name), in 1934, cured 14 “terminal” cancer patients and hundreds of animal cancers by aiming his “beam ray” at what he called the “cancer virus.” So why isn’t the Rife Ray in use today?A 1986 book, The Cancer Cure That Worked, Fifty Years of Suppression, by Barry Lynes and John Crane, revived the Rife device affair. The book, written in a style typical of conspiratorial theorists, cites names, dates, events and places, giving the appearance of authenticity to a mixture of historical documents and speculations selectively spun into a web far too complex to permit verification by any thing short of a army of investigators with unlimited resources. The authors claim that Rife successfully demonstrated his device’s cancer curing ability in 1934, but that “all reports describing the cure were censored by the head of the AMA from the major medical journals.” A 1953 U.S. Senate special investigation concluded that Fishbein and the AMA had conspired with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to suppress various alternative cancer treatments that conflicted with the AMA’s pre-determined view that “radium, x-ray therapy and surgery are the only recognized treatments for cancer.”


Rife Devices
In 1953, a drought threatened Maine’s blueberry crop, and several farmers offered to pay Reich if he could make it rain. The weather bureau had reportedly forecast no rain for several days when Reich began the experiment at 10 a.m. on July 6, 1953. The Bangor Daily News reported on July 24:
Dr. Reich and three assistants set up their “rain-making” device off the shore of Grand Lake. The device, a set of hollow tubes, suspended over a small cylinder, connected by a cable, conducted a “drawing” operation for about an hour and ten minutes. According to a reliable source in Ellsworth the following climatic changes took place in that city on the night of July 6 and the early morning of July 7: “Rain began to fall shortly after ten o’clock Monday evening, first as a drizzle and then by midnight as a gentle, steady rain. Rain continued throughout the night, and a rainfall of 0.24 inches was recorded in Ellsworth the following morning.”
A puzzled witness to the “rain-making” process said: “The queerest looking clouds you ever saw began to form soon after they got the thing rolling.” And later the same witness said the scientists were able to change the course of the wind by manipulation of the device.
The blueberry crop survived, the farmers declared themselves satisfied, and Reich received his fee

Overunity Generator

Overunity Generator
A number of overunity generators, which produce more energy than they take to run, have surfaced in the past century. Ironically, they have been more trouble than they were worth. In nearly all cases, a supposedly working prototype has been unable to make it to commercial production as a result of various corporate or government forces working against the technology. Recently, the Lutec 1000, an “electricity amplifier,” has been making steady progress toward a final commercial version. Will consumers soon be able to buy it, or will it too be suppressed?

Overunity GeneratorCold Fushion

Billions of dollars have been spent researching how to create energy using controlled “hot fusion,” a risky and unpredictable line of experimentation. Meanwhile, garage scientists and a fringe group of university researchers have been getting closer to harnessing the power of “cold fusion,” which is much more stable and controllable, but far less supported by government and foundation money. In 1989, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons announced that they had made a breakthrough and had observed cold fusion in a glass jar on their lab bench. To say the reaction they received was chilly would be an understatement. CBS’s 60 Minutes described how the resulting backlash from the well-funded hot-fusion crowd sent the researchers underground and overseas, where within a few years their funding dried up, forcing them to drop their pursuit of clean energy.

Hot Fushion

Hot Fushion
Cold fusion isn’t the only technology to get buried by hot-headed scientists. When two physicists who were working on the decades-long Tokamak Hot Fusion project at Los Alamos Laboratory stumbled across a cheaper, safer method of creating energy from colliding atoms, they were allegedly forced to repudiate their own discoveries or be fired; the lab feared losing the torrent of government money for Tokamak. In retaliation, the lead researchers created the Focus Fusion Society, which raises private money to fund their research outside of government interference.

Magnetofunk and Himmelkompass

Magnetofunk and Himmelkompass
Nazi scientists spent much of World War II hidden in a covert military base somewhere in the arctic, creating the Magnetofunk. This alleged invention was designed to deflect the compasses of Allied aircraft that might be searching for Point 103, as the base was known. The aircraft pilots would think they were flying in a straight line, but would gradually curve around Point 103 without ever knowing they were deceived. The Himmelkompass allowed German navigators to orient themselves to the position of the sun, rather than magnetic forces, so they could find Point 103 despite the effects of the Magnetofunk. According to Wilhelm Landig, a former SS officer, these two devices were closely guarded secrets of the Third Reich. So closely guarded were they that neither device apparently survived the collapse of Hitler’s Germany, although the real tragedy is that no one has ever named their band Magnetofunk.

A Safer Cigarette?

A Safer Cigarette?
In the 1960s, the Liggett & Myers tobacco company created a product called the XA, a cigarette in which most of the stick’s carcinogens had been eliminated. Dr. James Mold, Liggett’s Research Director, reported in court documents in the case of “The City and County of San Francisco vs. Phillip Morris, Inc.,” that Phillip Morris threatened to “clobber” Liggett if they did not adhere to an industry agreement never to reveal information about the negative health effects of smoking. By advertising a “safer” alternative, they would be admitting the dangers of tobacco use. The lawsuit was dismissed on a technicality and Phillip Morris never addressed the accusations. Despite their own scientists’ publication of research that showed less cancer in mice exposed to smoke from the XA, Liggett & Myers issued a press released denying evidence of cancer in humans as a result of tobacco use, and the XA never saw the light of day.


The Transcutaneous Electronic Nerve Stimulation (TENS) device was created to alleviate pain impulses from the body without the use of drugs. In 1974, Johnson & Johnson bought StimTech, one of the first companies to sell the machine, and proceeded to starve the TENS division of money, causing it to flounder. StimTech sued, alleging that Johnson & Johnson purposely stifled the TENS technology to protect sales of its flagship drug, Tylenol. Johnson & Johnson responded that the device never performed as well as was claimed and that it was not profitable. StimTech’s founders won $170 Million, although the ruling was appealed and overturned on a technicality. The court’s finding that the corporation suppressed the TENS device was never overturned.

The Phoebus Cartel

The Phoebus Cartel
Phillips, GE and Osram engaged in a conspiracy from 1924 to 1939 with the goal of controlling the fledgling light-bulb industry, according to a report published in Time magazine six years later. The alleged cartel set prices and suppressed competing technologies that would have produced longer-lasting and more efficient light bulbs. By the time the cabal dissolved, the industry-standard incandescent bulb was established as the dominant source of artificial light across Europe and North America. Not until the late 1990s did compact fluorescent bulbs begin to edge into the worldwide lighting market as an alternative.

The Coral Castle

The Coral Castle
How did Ed Leedskalnin build the massive Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida, out of giant chunks of coral weighing up to 30 tons each with no heavy equipment and no outside help? Theories abound, including anti-gravity devices, magnetic resonance and alien technology, but the answer may never be known. Leedskalnin died in 1951 without any written plans or clues as to his techniques. The centerpiece of the castle, which is now a museum open to the public, is a nine-ton gate that used to move with light pressure from one finger. After the gate’s bearings wore out in the 1980s, a crew of five took more than two weeks to fix it, although they never did get it to work as effortlessly as Leedskalnin’s original masterpiece.

Hemp Bio-fuel

Hemp Bio-fuel
The father of our country, George Washington, who is rumored to have said “I cannot tell a lie,” was a proud supporter of the hemp seed. Of course, the only thing more suppressed in this country than an honest politician is hemp, which is often mistakenly for marijuana and therefore unfairly maligned. Governmental roadblocks, meanwhile, prevent hemp from becoming the leader in extracting ethanol, allowing environmentally damaging sources like corn to take over the ethanol industry. Despite the fact that it requires fewer chemicals, less water and less processing to do the same job, hemp has never caught on. Experts also lay the blame at the feet of (who else?) Presidential candidates, who kiss up to Iowa corn growers for votes.

IN5D: Scientists Ask If A New Race Of Super Earthlings Are Being Born

IN5D: Scientists Ask If A New Race Of Super Earthlings Are Being Born:

Scientists Ask If A New Race Of Super Earthlings Are Being BornScientists Ask If A New Race Of Super Earthlings Are Being Born

Scientists have made an unexpected and unsettling discovery - a large number of new and previously unseen mutations have been detected among humans.

There are those who suggest that there will soon be fantastic X-men among humans. These super earthlings do not come out of secret laboratories, as in famous blockbuster movies, but are born naturally. Other scientists are less optimistic and consider the unforeseen development can to lead to unknown changes in the human body.

This unexpected and terrifying discovery is a result of a study conducted by scientists from Cornell University (USA) and University of California.

When they examined genes of several thousands of people from around the world, it turned out that mankind has acquired over the past few years new, previously unseen mutations.

The scientist studied 202 genes in 14,002 people. The human genome contains some 3 billion base pairs; the scientists studied 864,000 of these pairs. While this is only a small part of the genome, the sample size of 14,002 people is one of the largest ever in a sequencing study in humans.

This project led by John Novembre of the University of California Los Angeles and Vincent Mooser of UK-based drug company GlaxoSmithKline, reports that more than 95% of variants found by sequencing 202 genes in 14,002 people were rare, and that 74% of the variants were carried by only one or two people in the study.

"I knew there would be rare variation but had no idea there would be so much of it!" said the senior author of the research, John Novembre, an assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and of bioinformatics at UCLA.

In the study, 10,621 people had one of 12 diseases, including coronary artery disease, multiple sclerosis, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, osteoarthritis and Alzheimer's disease; 3,381 did not have any of the diseases.

"The large sample size allows us to see patterns with more clarity than ever before," Novembre said.
"If rare variants are like distant stars, this kind of large sample size is like having the Hubble Telescope; it's allowing us to see more than before.

We see a ton of rare variation, and these rare variants more often make changes to proteins than not. In that way, this study has important implications for the genetic basis of disease in humans. It's consistent with the idea that many diseases may be partly caused by rare variants."

"Research carried out fifty years ago, showed that the mutant gene had only one man among a thousand, and now five people", explained John Novembre.

What is causing the mutations?

Previously it was thought that genetic abnormalities are caused by of radiation, viruses, transposons and mutagenic chemicals, but now scientists have identified yet another factor that results in mutations - overpopulation!

Human population growth helps to explain the large number of genetic variants, the scientists said.
"The fact that we see so many rare variants is in part due to the fact that human populations have been growing very rapidly," Novembre said. "Because the human population has grown so much, the opportunity for mutations to occur has also grown. Some of the variants we are seeing are very young, dating to population growth since the invention of agriculture and even the Industrial Revolution; this growth has created many opportunities for mutation in the genome because there are so many transmissions of chromosomes from parent to child in large populations."

As a result of overpopulation, rare gene variants are much more likely to occur. And scientists do not rule out that soon there may be new types of mutations that lead to unknown changes in the human body.

Is a new race of X-men being born?

There are scientists who see benefits with mutations. Professor Darren Kessner of Univerist of California has for example suggested that among Earthlings there will soon be a fantastic group of "X-Men." They beings do not come out of secret laboratories, as in the famous blockbuster movies, but are born naturally.

"New mutations are the source of inherited variation, some of which can lead to disease and dysfunction, and some of which determine the nature and pace of evolutionary change. These are exciting times.

We are finally obtaining good reliable estimates of genetic features that are urgently needed to understand who we are genetically," said Joseph Nadeau, from the Case Western Reserve University in the US.

Both useful and harmful mutations have always existed as a completely normal phenomenon, but if the number of mutations increases dramatically, one cannot help wondering what implications this development will have for the human race...

Now about that pot of gold...

Now about that pot of gold...:

As we grind through our days now, in one way or the other
the question creeps in – when?  When will
I have prosperity?  When will the corrupt
financial system collapse?  When will
debt be erased?  When will I be truly
free?  When?

What I’m about to say is not rhetoric or evasion.  I’m as broke and pressured as you are.  It is, however, an answer that requires some
thought.  It may not completely satisfy.

It is time to get what freedom encompasses.  It has nothing to do with war or a flag.  Freedom is truth.  We have all been lied to for our entire
lives.  As you may have heard the talk
show with Lisa Harrison a few days ago:Click here for show

“It’s time to rip off the band aid.”  Open up and get ready to heal.  Only then will you truly prosper.

Life exists as an expression of love.  We are bits of energy, shot from Source,
taking human form.  We are Prime Creator
experiencing itself as, in my case, Sophia and in your case, you.  Life is energy and it is everywhere and
everything.  It exists in the form of not
only you, but the animals, vegetation, earth, water and heavens.  Life is a force.  It is the force of God, a physical outpouring
of Prime Creator.  Everything you see,
smell, taste and touch is “a-live”.  It
all springs from Source.

You are beholden to none and in truth, hold none.  Ownership is a lie.  It was introduced by beings with an agenda –
powerful beings who experiment with creation on a whole other level than we do.  These beings understand power as ownership
and it is their belief that has brought us to systemic collapse. 

Slavery and corruption do not exist on every world, yet it
is this world we inhabit and it is rampant here.  Ownership as power has been the driving belief
behind our government, religion, education and financial systems.  It is an intentional deception and has
created our slavery mentality.

Back to the gold.
When you visualize it, how does it look?
Is it contained in a cast iron pot, layered around the neck of a
celebrity or hoarded in a vault?  Gold,
silver and other precious metals come from Gaia.  They are found in veins deep within her.  She offers them to us, as she does the water,
soil and atmosphere – to enhance and support us.  They exist as energy expressed and are free.

This Shift calls us to change the way we think about gold,
silver and precious metals.  Think of
them as alternate expressions of life, here to use but not own.  Ownership is a lie.

As we gradually comprehend the deception that has been our
society, we are at choice to react with anger or jubilation.  As tough as it is right now, this way of life
cannot continue.  We know the truth.  We are free.
Full understanding demands freedom for every other.  But what does that mean? It means that the
gold and other metals we value are not things to own.  They are expressions of life, as are each of
us.  Our worth does not rest in a number
on a bank note.  We are worthy.  Period.

Yet we have to eat, to live in a home, to have clothing and
care.  Today, these things cost money –
money that very few of us have much of.  We “need” more of it to continue; struggle has
become a way of life for most of us.

Freedom sets everything true.  Think of the gold not as a means to an end,
but a resource that flows through Mother Earth, supporting life.  Gold is alive, it is a force.  As blood must flow freely through our veins;
so must Gaia’s precious metals run unrestricted.  We can release the block to prosperity with a
new thought. Right now. We can set the gold free ourselves.

Gold is life and exists to support and enhance yours.  See gold expressed everywhere!  See it not locked in a vault, but in every
home and hamlet, street and bit of land.
It wants to be seen – to be enjoyed and to be released. You cannot own it – you can use it.

Use it now as you see the life you dream of.  Thoughts of freedom create.  When do they create abundance?  When you understand the truth of your value
and without restraint love all of life.
The Master Creators are here and they are us.  Set gold free and watch how it comes out to

We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.

Bix Weir: "The Insider" Speaks Again!

Bix Weir: "The Insider" Speaks Again!:

Ron Paul seems to be preparing for something. First, remember this SPECIAL REPORT a while back...

SPECIAL REPORT: Confirmation From The Insider

Since March 2009 (which seems like forever ago!) the markets and our Freedom have been in an obviously controlled lock down. We have been pushed to understand our Constitution much better and forced to be ready for the next phase. Now that time has arrived again...

A subscriber pointed out that Ron Paul has posted a very prophetic message on his Facebook page.

From: Ron Paul
The Fed's the problem with its unconstitutional power to create money and credit out of thin air. The eventual consequences are many fold:

1] value of the $ -down
2] price go up
3] gold up
4] silver up
5] interest rates up
6] economy down
7] Prosperity down
8] gov. spending up
9] national debt up
10] more war
11] greater welfare
12] more regulations
13] stocks down
14] political stalemates increase
15] civil unrest
16] loss of liberty

These events do not occur suddenly or necessarily all together. The movement of each accelerates, and in conjunction with each other, as the climatic end approaches.

HAPPY ENDING= A successful re3VOLution

Stay tuned!
Two things that points to how close we are....
1) "the climatic end approaches"
2) "Stay tuned!"
Is it all about to happen as long predicted on the Toad to Roota?
I think so.
Stay Tuned :-)
Jan 29, 2013
I sat down for a Sunday chat with one of my favorite Freedom Fighters out there - Dr. Dave Janda. You can listen to the interview here:
Bix Weir on Dr. Dave Janda's Operation Freedom
Lot's and lot's going on in the Silver world today and for the rest of the week with COMEX closing out the month.

ALERT: Have fun putting together the SILVER puzzle as it relates to Obama's new Treasury Secretary Nominee, Jack Lew.He's a filthy silvermarket rigging shill!
Here are the pieces of the manipulation puzzle: Clinton Administration (Special Assistant), Robert Rubin(Gold/Silver Leasing), Alan Greenspan(Computer Market Rigging), CitiBank(Special Investment Unit hired JPM Silver Traders), Bill Daley(took over as Chief of Staff from JPM Swat Team leader Daley), US Natural Resources (newly invented Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources)...aka IN CHARGE OF THE US HIDDEN GOLD MINES!
Not hard to see where Jack Lew is in league with the MARKET RIGGERS!
Jack Lew will have the SILVER rigging reigns...SO good luck you filthy cheater!

More on the COMEX action later this week.
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir

Jan 28, 2013
So it looks like the week is getting off to an interesting start with the head of

RISK at JP Morgan's infamous CIO London Office taking a much needed, and well overdue leave of absence later this month (as in the next 4 days!).
JPMorgan Chief Risk Officer Hogan to Take Temporary Leave
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) Chief Risk Officer John Hogan, whose tenure included the bank's worst-ever trading loss, will take a temporary leave for personal reasons beginning later this month, he said in a memo to staff. 
"I'm looking forward to taking this time off to spend with my family and friends," Hogan wrote in a memo obtained yesterday. Deputy Risk Officer Ashley Bacon will fill in until Hogan returns this summer, he said. Hogan discussed his plans with top managers including Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon, he said. 

Hogan, previously chief risk officer for the investment bank, took his post a year ago, about three months before the New York-based company disclosed a large and illiquid trading position at the chief investment office. The holdings lost more than $6.2 billion in the first nine months of last year and JPMorgan's market value dropped more than $50 billion in the weeks after the so-called London Whale episode become public. 

The contents of the memo were confirmed by Joe Evangelisti, a spokesman for JP Morgan, which ranks first by assets among U.S. lenders. The stock gained 1.7 percent yesterday to $47.16 in New York. 

The bank, in a 129-page internal report released Jan. 16, described an "error-prone" risk-modeling system in the CIO that required employees to cut and paste electronic data to a spreadsheet. Workers inadvertently used the sum of two numbers instead of the average in calculating volatility. The firm also reiterated that London traders tried to hide losses.
You know that term..."Where there's smoke, there's fire"? Well, when it comes to the JPM London CIO office it's more like..."Where there's FIRE coming from every orifice, there's a WEAPON OF MASS FINANCIAL DESTRUCTION going off"!
Now's a good time to use the search function on the website and search for the term "CIO". LOT'S AND LOT'S OF DIRT!
Should be a fun week on our Road!
Bix Weir
Thank you to Jim Costa.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Federal Reserve Is No More?: The New $100 Dollar Bill Without Federal Reserve Seal

Federal Reserve Is No More?: The New $100 Dollar Bill Without Federal Reserve Seal: Thank you to Anon for sharing...

This is what they said....

NEW pics of the the NEW $100 bill with NO Federal Reserve name listed. Apparently these were captured from a news broadcast show. I'm sure more info will come out about it.

The first two pictures are from Anon.  Take a look and then proceed to the third picture posted which shows what the 100 Dollar Federal Reserve Note looks like. Do you see any differences?  Is this a new Treasury Dollar or an incomplete print up of the Federal Reserve Note.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Judge's Guide for "Handling" Common Law and Sovereign CItizen Movements

A Judge's Guide for "Handling" Common Law and Sovereign CItizen Movements:

Your Judge probably has one of these in his office... "a how to guide" on how to handle Sovereign Citizen and Common Law movements...  

Poofness: January 27, 2013

Poofness: January 27, 2013:

Greetings and Salutations:

The gears on the world change over are engaging. You will hear with your own ears, very shortly. There was a ‘come-to-Jesus’ meeting at the White House a couple of weeks ago that laid down the gauntlet on us politicians. Nothing like being told, ‘we are about to move ahead and cast the us adrift to fend for itself’. In other words, the world needs it’s stuff and weren’t putting up with the US egos holding everything up. Every damn doc has been signed and left no reason to hold back from flipping this world on it’s head. Some have set themselves up to be sent to undisclosed locations, oh well, not like they weren’t warned. If you’re looking for the sense of that, just remember, some folks don’t believe fat meat’s greasy. Which means ‘reason’ is beyond their capacity, like a mule with blinders, side vision is not real strong with them, need a club to get their attention.

There is no military might that can stop an idea whose time has come. So mister Cheney can forget the military industrial complex stopping the people of the dragons from exercising their power for using their jewels to make a balanced world. Aren’t the words, ‘they who have the gold, rule?’. If you had no intent to pay back what you borrowed, should’ve never borrowed from them. They never were stupid about money and ‘worth’…but left-brain logic, doesn’t work completely, with people who use their right brains for more than drawing pictures. Actually the folks in the Himalayas teach a technique to assist in the process of merging the right and left hemispheres of the brain and, their functions; making it possible for a human to be single-brained. Draw back…’normal’ people may think you’re weird because you can walk and chew gum at the same time. lololol…and pat your belly.

As I said wait your turn, there have been alterations, thru the years for one reason or another. Who cares; the world is changing any way and with the freedom being given to the former ‘serfs’, the panoramic view will shift very quickly. You know what needs fixing out here…set about when you’re given the chance, your back is being watched. The matrix serves more than getting bankers in pocket! So, off you go, and make a difference. No more Freddy Flintstone—time for the Jetsons’. Play nice and leave the grumble monkeys behind, smile at them when they say…it’s all BS…dust your feet off and walk on. We are Not going to hell in a hand basket, after all.

Consultations available until the knock on the door.

Love and Kisses,


Anonymous Hacks Department of Justice Website, Threatens to Launch ‘Multiple Warheads’ [of truth]

Anonymous Hacks Department of Justice Website, Threatens to Launch ‘Multiple Warheads’ [of truth]:

Anonymous Hacks Department of Justice Website, Threatens to Launch ‘Multiple Warheads’

 Robert Kessler

The website belonging to the United States Sentencing Commission is down this morning, following a hack by Anonymous overnight. The site, which normally bears information about sentencing guidelines for federal crimes, instead showed a nearly 10 minute long YouTube video and the same message typed below it.

The hacktivist collective claims its takedown of the site belonging to the U.S. Department of Justice is in response to the suicide of Reddit programmer Aaron Swartz. At the time of his death, Swartz faced up to 35 years in prison on federal computer fraud charges. According to Anonymous, Swartz was "killed" and a "line was crossed":

Two weeks ago today, a line was crossed. Two weeks ago today, Aaron Swartz was killed. Killed because he faced an impossible choice. Killed because he was forced into playing a game he could not win — a twisted and distorted perversion of justice — a game where the only winning move was not to play.

Anonymous immediately convened an emergency council to discuss our response to this tragedy. After much heavy-hearted discussion, the decision was upheld to engage the United States Department of Justice and its associated executive branches in a game of a similar nature, a game in which the only winning move is not to play.

The "game" involves releasing a file ("warhead") containing sensitive information about the Justice Department. What that information is, Anonymous isn't saying.

The contents are various and we won't ruin the speculation by revealing them. Suffice it to say, everyone has secrets, and some things are not meant to be public. At a regular interval commencing today, we will choose one media outlet and supply them with heavily redacted partial contents of the file. Any media outlets wishing to be eligible for this program must include within their reporting a means of secure communications.

The hacked site also contained links to "warheads" named after each of the Supreme Court justices, each links to a website containing a 503 service unavailable error message, meaning the server is for some reason unavailable.

If you're interested, here's the full text of Anonymous' message:

Citizens of the world,

Anonymous has observed for some time now the trajectory of justice in the United States with growing concern. We have marked the departure of this system from the noble ideals in which it was born and enshrined. We have seen the erosion of due process, the dilution of constitutional rights, the usurpation of the rightful authority of courts by the "discretion" of prosecutors. We have seen how the law is wielded less and less to uphold justice, and more and more to exercise control, authority and power in the interests of oppression or personal gain.

We have been watching, and waiting.

Two weeks ago today, a line was crossed. Two weeks ago today, Aaron Swartz was killed. Killed because he faced an impossible choice. Killed because he was forced into playing a game he could not win — a twisted and distorted perversion of justice — a game where the only winning move was not to play.

Anonymous immediately convened an emergency council to discuss our response to this tragedy. After much heavy-hearted discussion, the decision was upheld to engage the United States Department of Justice and its associated executive branches in a game of a similar nature, a game in which the only winning move is not to play.

Last year the Federal Bureau of Investigation revelled in porcine glee at its successful infiltration of certain elements of Anonymous. This infiltration was achieved through the use of the *same tactics which lead to Aaron Swartz' death. It would not have been possible were it not for the power of federal prosecutors to thoroughly destroy the lives of any hacktivists they apprehend through the very real threat of highly disproportionate sentencing.

As a result of the FBI's infiltration and entrapment tactics, several more of our brethren now face similar disproportionate persecution, the balance of their lives hanging on the severely skewed scales of a broken justice system.

We have felt within our hearts a burning rage in reaction to these events, but we have not allowed ourselves to be drawn into a foolish and premature response. We have bidden our time, operating in the shadows, adapting our tactics and honing our abilities. We have allowed the FBI and its masters in government — both the puppet and the shadow government that controls it — to believe they had struck a crippling blow to our infrastructure, that they had demoralized us, paralyzed us with paranoia and fear. We have held our tongue and waited.

With Aaron's death we can wait no longer. The time has come to show the United States Department of Justice and its affiliates the true meaning of infiltration. The time has come to give this system a taste of its own medicine. The time has come for them to feel the helplessness and fear that comes with being forced into a game where the odds are stacked against them.

This website was chosen due to the symbolic nature of its purpose — the federal sentencing guidelines which enable prosecutors to cheat citizens of their constitutionally-guaranteed right to a fair trial, by a jury of their peers — the federal sentencing guidelines which are in clear violation of the 8th amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishments. This website was also chosen due to the nature of its visitors. It is far from the only government asset we control, and we have exercised such control for quite some time...

There has been a lot of fuss recently in the technological media regarding such operations as Red October, the widespread use of vulnerable browsers and the availability of zero-day exploits for these browsers and their plugins. None of this comes of course as any surprise to us, but it is perhaps good that those within the information security industry are making the extent of these threats more widely understood.

Still there is nothing quite as educational as a well-conducted demonstration...

Through this websites and various others that will remain unnamed, we have been conducting our own infiltration. We did not restrict ourselves like the FBI to one high-profile compromise. We are far more ambitious, and far more capable. Over the last two weeks we have wound down this operation, removed all traces of leakware from the compromised systems, and taken down the injection apparatus used to detect and exploit vulnerable machines.

We have enough fissile material for multiple warheads. Today we are launching the first of these. Operation Last Resort has begun...

Warhead - U S - D O J - L E A - 2013 . A E E 256 is primed and armed. It has been quietly distributed to numerous mirrors over the last few days and is available for download from this website now. We encourage all Anonymous to syndicate this file as widely as possible.

The contents are various and we won't ruin the speculation by revealing them. Suffice it to say, everyone has secrets, and some things are not meant to be public. At a regular interval commencing today, we will choose one media outlet and supply them with heavily redacted partial contents of the file. Any media outlets wishing to be eligible for this program must include within their reporting a means of secure communications.

We have not taken this action lightly, nor without consideration of the possible consequences. Should we be forced to reveal the trigger-key to this warhead, we understand that there will be collateral damage. We appreciate that many who work within the justice system believe in those principles that it has lost, corrupted, or abandoned, that they do not bear the full responsibility for the damages caused by their occupation.

It is our hope that this warhead need never be detonated.

However, in order for there to be a peaceful resolution to this crisis, certain things need to happen. There must be reform of outdated and poorly-envisioned legislation, written to be so broadly applied as to make a felony crime out of violation of terms of service, creating in effect vast swathes of crimes, and allowing for selective punishment. There must be reform of mandatory minimum sentencing. There must be a return to proportionality of punishment with respect to actual harm caused, and consideration of motive and mens rea. The inalienable right to a presumption of innocence and the recourse to trial and possibility of exoneration must be returned to its sacred status, and not gambled away by pre-trial bargaining in the face of overwhelming sentences, unaffordable justice and disfavourable odds. Laws must be upheld unselectively, and not used as a weapon of government to make examples of those it deems threatening to its power.

For good reason the statue of lady justice is blindfolded. No more should her innocence be besmirked, her scales tipped, nor her swordhand guided. Furthermore there must be a solemn commitment to freedom of the internet, this last great common space of humanity, and to the common ownership of information to further the common good.

We make this statement do not expect to be negotiated with; we do not desire to be negotiated with. We understand that due to the actions we take we exclude ourselves from the system within which solutions are found. There are others who serve that purpose, people far more respectable than us, people whose voices emerge from the light, and not the shadows. These voices are already making clear the reforms that have been necessary for some time, and are outright required now.

It is these people that the justice system, the government, and law enforcement must engage with. Their voices are already ringing strong with a chorus of determined resolution. We demand only that this chorus is not ignored. We demand the government does not make the mistake of hoping that time will dampen its ringing, that they can ride out this wave of determination, that business as usual can continue after a sufficient period of lip-service and back-patting.

Not this time. This time there will be change, or there will be chaos...


Friday, January 25, 2013

Feel Good Post - Long Live Friendship

Feel Good Post - Long Live Friendship: After losing his parents, this 3 year old orangutan was so depressed he wouldn't eat and didn't respond to any medical treatments. The veterinarians thought he would surely die from sadness. The zoo keepers found an old sick dog on the grounds in the park at the zoo where the orangutan lived and took the dog to the animal treatment center. The dog arrived at the same time the orangutan was there being treated... The 2 lost souls met and have been inseparable ever since. The orangutan found a new reason to live and each always tries his best to be a good companion to his new found friend. They are together 24 hours a day in all their activities.
They live in Northern California where swimming is their favorite past time, although Roscoe (the orangutan) is a little afraid of the water and needs his friend's help to swim.
Together they have discovered the joy and laughter in life and the value of friendship.

They have found more than a friendly shoulder to lean on.

Long Live Friendship!!!!!!! I don't know... some say life is too short, others say it is too long, but I know that nothing that we do makes sense if we don't touch the hearts of others... while it lasts!  May you always have Love to Share, Health to Spare, And Friends who Care.....even if they are a little hairy at times.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The World Bank Group USA, 2012 Final Audited Statements

When the OPPT Shoe Dropped: Evidence That The Black-Screen, Off-ledger Global Accounts Are Real

When the OPPT Shoe Dropped: Evidence That The Black-Screen, Off-ledger Global Accounts Are Real:
The World Bank - Working for a World Free of Poverty
A rather ironic slogan of the World Bank

When the OPPT shoe dropped: Evidence that the black-screen, off-ledger global accounts are real

January 22, 2013

Posted by Paula

Hi all,

Let me take you through two items that appeared in my email inbox over the course of the past week. Both of these items, one video and one .pdf file, are publicly available online. Check it out for yourself.

It’s just amazing what hides in plain sight. It’s also amazing to see what happens when we use our mind’s eye.

Here’s what we’ve learned so far:

On behalf of us, the One People, OPPT has foreclosed on all of the global ‘trust’ accounts. These accounts properly belong to all of us in trust, simply because we’re all citizens of this planet, equally. Each global trust account (and these go by many and various names) represents vast sums of money, all of it backed by gold, silver, and treasure.

That’s a pretty chewy statement but let’s go with it, just as a thought experiment.

OPPT proposes that Ten Billion Dollars ($10,000,000,000) USD is held in trust for each individual on this planet. Well then! What kind of evidence exists that I might use to verify for myself that this story isn’t completely nutbar? Let’s return to the above-mentioned pair of items, which turn out to be very helpful in this regard.

The video, titled ‘Joint Release 3-36.3’, was produced at some point after Dec. 24th, 2012 by UN-SWISSINDO TELEVISION NEWS: GLOBAL WORLD, which seems to be the PR vehicle for announcements from the Soekarno Trust. So in this moment of NOW I'm transcribing the first  part of an hour-long video announcing disbursements from the Trust. The payments, one after the other, are literally astronomical (see partial transcript below). There seems little question that this money is in fact available and is being sent out to its named recipients.

[Notice how he speaks of continents as "Kingdoms"  also an amazing World Bank document below the fold on the Final 2012 Audio on "infinite bank statements" -AK]

Here’s my partial and slightly challenged transcript of the first 15 mins. of the video, which is all I was able to handle in one go. If someone would like to improve on it, that would be swell:

Joint Release 3-36.3


Good day.

I am Director of Joint Communications [unclear]. This is Publication 3-36, authorized release unlimited. ID 452106/66/2012, Trustee, Processee, Dynasty... Swissindo Agreement Joint Release 3-36, Joint Doctrine for Multinational Operations, ID 452106/66/2012.

For keeping information on Transactions and Treaties, International Agreements.

Treaty Event: UN Swissindo Multinational, Special Extra, Thirty Trillion US Dollars, Federal Reserve Bank, to pay to Deposit Control Settlement Investment Deposit, Freedom Forever 111, in official name, ownership [unclear], authority mandate, Personal International Trustee, plus Trustee Dynasty RMSPTD, Beneficial name, Global Development

1. Payment 1: To Committee of Treaty of UN Swissindo Multinational.

Amount: Ninety-Seven Billion ($97,000,000,000) USD.

Date: November 20, 2012.

2. Payment 1: U.N. date 24 [unclear] in the House of Representatives HR 1249, Internal Protocol Number 301 of the Great President of the Kingdom of the United Nations Organization

Amount: Five Hundred Million ($500,000,000) USD

Date: November 20, 2012.

3. Payment 1: Independent Consultant and Contractor Exhibit AB

Amount: Nine Billion and Seven Hundred Million ($9,700,000,000) USD

Date: November 20, 2012

4. Payment 1: For [unclear], Public Property

Amount: Ninety-Seven Billion ($97,000,000,000) USD

Date: November 20, 2012.

5. Payment 1: For UMD UN Swissindo, Treaty Event of Paris

Amount: Ninety-Seven Billion ($97,000,000,000) USD

Date: November 20, 2012.

6. Payment 1: Official Extra to U.N. Members of 193 Nations

Amount: Five Hundred Billion ($500,000,000,000) USD

Total: Forty-Six Trillion and Five Hundred Billion ($46,500,000,000,000) USD

Date: November 20, 2012.

7. Payment 1: U.N. Swissindo Multinational

Date: December 24, 2012

Number 1: N.A.T.O.: One Hundred and Fifty Eight Trillion and Nine Hundred and Ninety Billion ($158,990,000,000,000) USD

Number 2: S.A.T.O.[?]: One Hundred and Thirty Trillion and Nine Hundred Ninety Billion ($130,990,000,000,000) USD

Number 3: NON-BLOC: One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Trillion and Nine Hundred Ninety Billion ($138,990,000,000,000) USD

8. Payment 1: Neo Mercusuar Dunia

Amount: One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Trillion and Nine Hundred and Nineteen Billion ($138,990,000,000,000) USD

Date: December 24, 2012

9. Payment 1: Contract Project

1. Master Key Plan; Date: December 24, 2012

Amount: One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Trillion and Nine Hundred and Ninety Billion ($138,990,000,000,000) USD

1. Master Plan; Date: December 24, 2012

Amount: One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Trillion and Nine Hundred and Ninety Billion ($138,990,000,000,000) USD

10. Payment 1: Global Immunity, The World [unclear] Date: December 24, 2012

Big Top: One Hundred Twenty Person World [unclear] Most Powerful Families

Amount: Ten Billion in [unclear] Currency

Amount: Two Trillion and Two Hundred Fifteen Billion ($2,215,000,000) USD

Date: December 24, 2012

11. Payment 1: [unclear]; Date: December 24, 2012

Number 1: UN Members of 190 Nations

Amount: One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Trillion and One Hundred and Nineteen Billion ($138,119,000,000) USD

Number 2: Top Three Hundred Organizations IPO

Amount: One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Trillion and Nine Hundred and Nineteen Billion ($138,919,000,000,000) USD

Total: Four Hundred and Sixteen Trillion and Nine Hundred and Seventy Billion ($416,970,000,000) USD

Number 3: World and Indonesia [unclear]

Amount: One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Trillion and Nine Hundred and Ninety Billion USD

Total: Three Quadrillion...

[This is really funny! At the 7:30 point in the video, the number is so big that the Communications Director, who now has terrible cotton mouth from reciting non-stop, can't get his tongue around saying it successfully.]

Total: Three Quadrillion and Six Hundred and Thirty Trillion and Seven Hundred and Forty Billion ($3,630,740,000,000,000) USD

3.1. [unclear] Foundation

3.2. [unclear] Foundation

3.3. U.N. Foundation

3.4. [unclear] Republic Indonesia

3.5. USO USA

3.6. MUN [?]

3.7. OMD

3.8. [unclear]

3.9. [unclear] Indonesia

3.10. Billion Big Bang [unclear] A1 1A

3.11. UBS AG

3.12: Bank of America

3.13: Wells Fargo

3.14: Citibank N.A.

3.15. Federal Reserve

3.16. World Bank

3.17. Bank of International Settlements or BIS

3.18. International Monetary Fund

3.19. All Central Banks for 193 and 115 Top World Prime Banks

3.20. International Chamber of Commerce or ICC

3.21 Financial [?] FITFGFI

3.22. Tantara [?] National International TNI [?]

3.23. United Nations Organization

3.24. [unclear] Hospital

3.25. Thirty-Three Provinces

3.26. 29 BUMN

3.27. [unclear] Global Government

Number 4: World Mining or [unclear]

Amount: One Hundred Thirty-Eight Trillion and Nine Hundred and Nineteen Billion ($138,919,000,000,000) USD; Date: December 24, 2012

Number 5: World [unclear]

Amount: One Hundred Thirty-Eight Trillion and Nine Hundred and Nineteen Billion ($138,919,000,000) USD; Date: December 24, 2012

Number 6: World Agricultural or Brittania

Amount: One Hundred Thirty-Eight Trillion and Nine Hundred and Nineteen Billion ($138,919,000,000) USD; Date: December 24, 2012

Number 7: Communication or [unclear] Land, Ocean, and Air

Amount: One Hundred Thirty-Eight Trillion and Nine Hundred and Nineteen Billion ($138,919,000,000) USD; Date: December 24, 2012

Total: Seventeen Billion and Three Hundred and Ninety-One Million and Three Hundred and Four Thousand and Three Hundred and Forty-Eight ($17,391,304,348) USD

Total: Three Quadrillion and Eight Hundred and Ninety-One Trillion and Seven Hundred and Twenty Million ($3,891,000,720,000,000) USD; Date: December 24, 2012

Number 10: Global Development Human Obligation of the Big Five Continents and Requirement Employer of the Consultant on site of the Big Five Continents AAAA2, Asia, Africa, Europe, America, Australia 

[who's the consultant? -AK]

10.1. The Great Kingdom of the Continent of Asia

Amount: Twenty-Six Quadrillion and Two Hundred Trillion ($26,200,000,000,000) USD

Date: December 24, 2012

For and on behalf of Continent of Asia, Pilot Project; Date: December 24, 2012

Club 1: Indonesia, 33 Provinces

Amount: One Quadrillion and One Hundred and Sixty-One Trillion ($1,161,000,000,000) USD

Club 2: [unclear]

Six Trillion and Eight Hundred and Sixty-Two Billion ($6,862,000,000,000) USD

Singleton[?] of one or part country, Continent of Africa

Amount: Three Hundred and Thirty Trillion ($330,000,000,000) USD

10.2. The Great Kingdom of the Continent of Africa

Amount: Six Quadrillion, Seven Hundred and Twenty Trillion ($6,720,000,000,000) USD

Date: December 24, 2012; Pilot Project for and on behalf of Africa, the Nation of Africa

10.3. The Great Kingdom of the Continent of Europe

Amount: Five Quadrillion and Nine Hundred and Twenty Trillion ($5,920,000,000,000) USD

Date: December 24, 2012

Singletonl[?] of one or part country, Continent of Africa, Bosnia-Herzegovina

Amount: Thirty-Six Trillion ($36,000,000,000) USD

For and on behalf of Continent of Europe, Nation of Africa

10.4. The Great Kingdom of the Continent of America

Amount: Three Quadrillion and Four Hundred Trillion ($3,400,000,000,000) USD

Date: December 24, 2012; Pilot Project for and on behalf of Continent of Africa,

Nation of Africa

10.5. The Great Kingdom of the Continent of Australia

Amount: One Hundred and Forty-Five Trillion ($145,000,000,000) USD

Date: December 24, 2012; Pilot Project for and on behalf of Continent of Australia,

Nation of Australia

Number 11: Requirement, Consultant, and Contractor, Swissindo, JO[?], Representing the Big Five Continents

Amount: One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Trillion and Nine Hundred and Nineteen Billion (138,919,000,000,000) USD

Date: December 24, 2012

Number 12: OMB [unclear] USA Indonesia

Amount: One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Trillion and Nine Hundred and Nineteen Billion ($138,919,000,000,000) USD

Date: December 24, 2012

• • •

I also offer for your
consideration the attached 'Top Secret' 2012 World Bank audit of its
black-screen off-ledger accounts. Some impressive signatures are attached to
the end of the document. As you’re reading through the audit doc, you might
want to keep these three things in mind:

1.  it’s important to squint hard at the names of the accounts
and the identities of the account holders; this info appears in the first
several pages of the doc.

2.  the ‘infinity’ symbol looks like a sideways numeral
8. That symbol replaces dollar values in each of the accounts because they are
in fact infinite (the accounts are grown and partially harvested when mature,
in perpetuity).

3.  Really: check out those signatures at the end.