Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bix Weir: Gold Panic in the White House ...PART 2!

Bix Weir: Gold Panic in the White House ...PART 2!:
Jan 16, 2013
Bix Weir


So here we go. A German newspaper claims that Germany has asked for some of it's gold back from the US and France. I first heard about it on here:

It Begins: Bundesbank To Commence Repatriating Gold From New York Fed

"In what could be a watershed moment for the price, provenance, and future of physical gold, not to mention the "stability" of the entire monetary regime based on rock solid, undisputed "faith and credit" in paper money, German Handelsblatt reports in an exclusive that the long suffering German gold, all official 3,396 tons of it, is about to be moved. Specifically, it is about to be partially moved out of the New York Fed, where the majority, or 45% of it is currently stored, as well as the entirety of the 11% of German gold held with the Banque de France, and repatriated back home to Buba in Frankfurt, where just 31% of it is held as of this moment. And while it is one thing for a "crazy, lunatic" dictator such as Hugo Chavez to pull his gold out of the Bank of England, it is something entirely different, and far less dismissible, when the bank with the second most official gold reserves in the world proceeds to formally pull some of its gold from the bank with the most. In brief: this is a momentous development, one which may signify that the regime of mutual assured and very much telegraphed - because if the central banks don't have faith in one another, why should anyone else? - trust in central banks by other central banks is ending."
"Much more importantly, it is being telegraphed as such..."

And in that last statement lies the key. It is the statement and the implications that is important not the transfer. The gold is insignificant because 1,500 tons of gold "doesn't amount to a hill of beans" in the REAL gold world of MILLIONS OF TONS that are above ground and "in play". Any of you BELIEVERS in the official 170,000 ton number should do a search on the Road to Roota website for how this number came into being through Harry Oppenheimer and Jeffrey Christian. You can start here:

CPM Group's Jeffrey Christian Argues for $359/oz Silver

So moving on, the importance of this situation is that Germany has been part of the end game since at least 2009 when the heat was on in the Gold world and it was all captured on TELEVISION as I reported back then. This is riveting stuff and would make a GREAT TV REALITY SHOW!
Here was my original article posted in June 2009...

Gold Panic in the Oval Office
By Bix Weir
I was watching the NBC special called "Inside the White House" last night and was struck by a meeting with Larry Summers and the President.

It was touted as an "all access" day in the life of the President but at 7:15 minutes into Part 1 Larry Summers and a man who I believe is Austan Goolsbee come into the Oval Office for a call with "the Germans". Summers is obviously on edge and shuts down the cameras when he begins to discuss the problem.

Summers: "Life has changed..ahh..since the briefing…ahh"
Obama: "For the better or for the worse?"
Goolsbee: "Net-net for the better…wouldn't you say Larry?" (Goolsbee speaks loudly and unconvincingly for the cameras.)
Summers: "(nervous laugh)..there's elements of both. The Germans...actually we should stop (the cameras) here."

The cameras and staff are quickly "ushered out" of the Oval Office.

For those who don't know, Austan Goolsbee is on the Presidents Council of Economic Advisers and is touted as Larry Summers' "Economic Internet Guru". In that capacity there is no doubt in my mind that he monitors all the gold internet sites as well as being in charge of coordinating all the "gold disinformation" articles. Like Summers, Goolsbee believes in a kind of "Psychological Tendencies Economic Model" touting that it is perception that steers the worlds economic markets not necessarily fact. Having fought the gold manipulation battles for so long we all know perception can be managed and manipulated as I discussed in my articles "Operation Confidence Con" and "Geithner Plan=Sustained Manipulation".

On May 28th, the night before the White House taping, Jim Willie of posted an article called "The Hitman Cometh" where he claimed the Germans are trying to withdraw all their physical gold from US control and several "hit men" have been hired to take down the COMEX and the LME:

"The Germans have demanded that gold bullion held in US custodial accounts be returned to their owners, with physical gold shipped back to Germany ."

I'll bet my last gold Kruggie that the Oval Office phone call was a desperate plea to buy more time before the Germans destroy the physical gold manipulation scheme.

This together with rumblings of China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Dubai scrambling to get their hands on physical gold has put the Obama Manipulation Team in major gold panic mode.

It's amazing to see these few people in the White House scrambling to prolong a failed policy of trying to manipulate the gold markets of the world.

What a sad state we find ourselves in.

Bix Weir


So there is was. The first live recording of a panic to stop the repatriation of German Gold from the US. It all aligns with the DELAYED implementation of the end game orchestrated by the Obama Administration. But it's 4 years later and now that game is over for Obama. No more delays.
Of course the Bad Guys are scrambling to spin this a "no big deal" in the IDIOTIC mainstream media. Just read this article and look at the statements I extracted below...

Germany's Bundesbank brings gold reserves home
"With the end of the Cold War it was no longer necessary to keep Germany's gold reserves "as far to the west and as far from the Iron Curtain as possible", Bundesbank board member Carl-Ludwig Thiele told reporters on Wednesday."

"To hold gold as a central bank creates confidence," Thiele said. "If I hold gold in my own vaults, I have to check it myself," he said, adding that "a complete shift is not appropriate."

"Beginning this year, the Bundesbank plans to transfer 300 tonnes of gold from the Federal Reserve in New York and all of its gold stored at the Banque de France in Paris, 374 tonnes, to Frankfurt."
"The Bundesbank gained more space in its vaults after the transition to the euro from the deutschmark."

"By 2020, it wants to hold half of the nearly 3,400 tonnes of gold valued at almost 138 billion euros - only the United States holds more - in Frankfurt, where it stores about a third of its reserves. The rest is kept at the Federal Reserve, the Banque de France and the Bank of England."

This must be the STUPIDEST assessment of what is going on in the history of our battle against the CABAL. This moron "Carl-Ludwig Thiele" couldn't talk his way out of a paper bag and he is the front man that the cabal puts forward?!

"If I hold gold in my own vaults, I have to check it myself,"

And the sheeple can digest the logic here?

Give me a break!

You can tell the wall are crumbling when something like that is published!

Buckle up.


Thank you to Jim C.

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