Saturday, January 19, 2013

JFK: An Open Letter to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

JFK: An Open Letter to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:

Friday, January
18th, 2013
| Posted by Jim

An Open Letter to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Ralph Cinque (with Jim Fetzer)

When I published “JFK:
What we know now that we didn’t know then”
 (21 November 2011), I had
become convinced by the discovery of the obfuscated face of a figure in the
doorway area of a famous photograph taken by AP photographer James “Ike”
Altgens (technically known as the “Altgens6
), together with having recently learned that Lee Oswald had told Will
Fritz (the homicide detective who had interrogated him) that he had been “out
with Bill Shelley in front” during the assassination, that this figure had to
have been Lee himself.  The only reason to have altered the photo would
have been that someone had been there who should not have been there, where the
obvious candidate for that role was the designated “patsy”.

We know believe that that
person was actually Bill Shelley, no doubt on the presumption that, if it were
discovered that Bill Shelley had been there, too many questions would have been
raised about what Lee had said to Fritz.  It would therefore be more
efficient to simply delete his image from the photo and remove any reason for
asking about it.  Ralph Cinque read my article, however, and contacted me,
explaining that, while he agreed with my conclusion (that Lee was in the doorway)
was right, my premises (about how we could prove that to be the case) were
mistaken–that the crucial question was the clothing, not the facial images
(which were ambiguous), but where a close study of the clothing and build of
the figure in the doorway were those of Lee Oswald.

We would begin publishing
a series of articles entitled, “JFK
Special: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!”
, which would lead to a
total of five, which have been supplemented by several others, including “JFK
believe it or not:  Oswald wasn’t even a shooter!”
and “JFK:
49 Years in the Offing — The Altgens reenactment”
.  We have gone far
enough to establish that the man in the doorway was Lee Oswald, the designated patsy,
which means that he cannot have also been on the 6th floor shooting at JFK.
 So not only was he not “the lone assassin”, he wan’t even a shooter,
where I provide an introduction to what we have discovered here:

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Veterans Today -

The strongest argument
that has been advanced against the Altgens6 having been altered has been that
it went out over the wire within 30 minutes or so, which would not have allowed
enough time for that to have happened. Anyone who studies the doorway images,
however, can see that, not only has that face been obfuscated, but the man in
the doorway is missing his left shoulder and the man behind him, who is wearing
a black tie, is simultaneous both
IN FRONT OF and BEHIND HIM at the same time
, as we have emphasized in most
of our studies.  When the evidence of alteration is as blatant as this–where
these features are not even anatomically or photographically possible–how could
anyone have doubts about whether or not the photo had been altered? Since the
photo was altered, there had to have been time to have altered it.

Indeed, one of our senior
members, Roy Schaeffer, was working as a photo processor at the Dayton Daily News when he personally
received the Altgens6 photo-fax. Immediately, he could see signs of alteration,
such as “masking” and “opaquing.” In an earlier study, I observed that the 22
November 1963 issue of The Sheboygan Times
includes a photo of the Altgens,
which struck me as having to be the outcome of a CIA substitution, which I
mentioned at the time.  Now Ralph has confirmed that that was indeed the
case, where the real issue and the substitute issue have both been revealed.
 Here is the late edition of the Benton Harbor, MI, News-Palladium
for 22 November 1963:  the one on the left is real, the one on the right
is not–but was fabricated to make it look as if Altgens6 was published that

For those who would
like to learn more about the assassination of President Kennedy, I
recommend  “Dealey
Plaza Revisited: What happened to JFK?”
and “What happened to JFK–and why it
matters today”
.  More recent studies of the assassination can be found
at “Veterans Today, Jim

YouTube -
Veterans Today -

Among the most important books about the assassination are (with regard to
the scientific evidence), Murder
in Dealey Plaza
(2000), which I edited; and (with regard to the politics of
the assassination), James Douglass, JFK
and the Unspeakable
(2010), which demonstrates how he had antagonized the
most powerful special interests in the nation, including the CIA, the Joint
Chiefs, the Mafia and the Eastern banking establishment; and Phillip F. Nelson,
The Mastermind of JFK’s Assassination
(2010), which explains what they did
about it, where Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover played pivotal roles. An
especially disturbing study of possible Israeli complicity in the death of JFK
has been published by Michael Collins Piper, Final
(5th edition, 2000).

An Open Letter to
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

By Ralph Cinque

Dear Mr. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,

I applaud you for stating publically that your uncle, President John F.
Kennedy, was murdered by the CIA. And, I am sure you realize that your father,
Senator Robert F. Kennedy, was murdered because, as President (and surely he
would have been elected President), he would have reopened the investigation of
your uncle’s murder.

And, I am sure you know how politically incorrect it is to question the
official account of either murder. But actually, what is politically incorrect
is to SERIOUSLY question them. It’s OK to vaguely question them, to say things
like, “I think there was a Mafia connection” or “I bet the Cubans were
involved.” But, after saying such things, you are expected to just drop it and
move on. It’s when you seriously expect something to be done about it–for some
change to take place–that’s when you cross the line and become a pariah.

But, you have already crossed that line, Mr. Kennedy, because of what you
said the other night and because of who you are. And, in the JFK world, you are
taking heat for it. Professor John McAdams, a leading JFK disinformationist,
started a thread about you on his forum to ridicule and debase you. He and
others like him realize the threat that you pose, not only for being a Kennedy,
but for being such a prominent, distinguished, and influential Kennedy.

But, the big question is: What are you going to do now? Are you
going to do as they expect and just drop out and go away and let everything
settle back into the familiar “angle of repose”? Or are you going to pick up the
ball and run with it?

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Veterans Today -

If you, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., were to join the forefront of the JFK truth
movement, it would revolutionize and redefine it, and give it a shot in the
arm. And if you’re willing to consider doing that, then I would urge you to
consider taking the pivotal step of joining the Oswald Innocence Campaign.

The OIC embraces all aspects of JFK truth, but the thing that unites us and
forges us into a cohesive group is the recognition that Lee Harvey Oswald was
standing in the doorway of the Texas Book Depository during your uncle’s
execution. It is something you can see with your own eyes if you look closely
at the evidence. There really isn’t any doubt about it.

It starts with recognizing how unique Oswald’s shirt was. It was no ordinary
shirt. You couldn’t buy one like it today–at any price–at least, not in this country.
And, believe me, I know because I searched for one, and I would have paid any
price. Oswald’s shirt was more like a hybrid between a shirt and a jacket. And
some observers at the time actually referred to it as a jacket. It was
lightweight like a shirt, but it tended to lay like a jacket, with a long lapel
on the left side. It also tended to sprawl open widely when unbuttoned–much
more so than a regular shirt. That may have been enhanced some by Oswald’s thin
condition because it’s obvious that he lost significant weight between New
Orleans and Dallas.

Look at these two images of him:

On the left is his
arrest picture from August 1963 in New Orleans. The New Orleans Police weighed
him and said he weighed 140 pounds. Isn’t it obvious that, by his arrest in
Dallas, he had lost significant weight? As I make the comparison with my
doctor’s eyes, I say he must have lost about 8 pounds, which would put him at
132. That is my educated guess. And since Lovelady weighed 175 pounds
(according to the FBI who weighed him), that is a difference of 43 pounds. And,
in this case, the lighter man was at least one inch taller than the heavier
man–and maybe more than that. Do you really think that with such a
weight-spread between them that those two men could be mistaken for each other?

But, there is one more aspect of the shirt to bring to your attention: At
the top, coming off the left lapel, there was a button loop whose purpose was
to secure a distant button that was located under the right collar. Do you see
what I mean now when I say that it was no standard shirt? And the uniqueness,
the non-standardness of the shirt is something that has not been addressed
before–at least not in a loud, provocative way, like we are doing. It was a
tough break for the conspirators that Oswald wore such an unusual shirt that

I combed the cities of Austin and Dallas looking for such a shirt. I went to
the finest stores, checkbook in hand, and I would have paid any price. Besides
that, I did an earnest search online for such a shirt but found nothing. I am
quite certain that it is not available in the United States in 2013. But, is
there any good reason to think it was even available in the United States in
1963? If it was, we would see examples of it on other male figures from that
era. Thanks to the Internet, we can easily search images of men from that era.
I have yet to find a single image of another individual wearing such a shirt.

The greatest likelihood is that Oswald acquired that shirt during his 3 year
sojourn to Russia. Either he bought it, or it was given to him. The
manufacturing origin of the shirt was probably Russian or East European, and I
have been told that by multiple informed sources. And it was nothing at all
like the standard flannel checkered shirt that Lovelady is CLAIMED to have
worn. I say “claimed” because there is controversy about which shirt Billy Lovelady
actually wore.

For many months–or longer–he claimed to have worn a red-and-white,
short-sleeved striped shirt.  He actually went to the FBI on 29 February
1964 and showed them the shirt he had been wearing that day, which they
photographed and included in their
official report back to FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
New York student of the assassination, Jones Harris, even flew to Dallas and
confirmed with Billy Lovelady that he had indeed worn this red-and-white,
short-sleeved shirt, which leaves no doubt about it.

But, there is another distinguishing aspect of Oswald’s clothing: his
t-shirt. The opening of the t-shirt had the tendency to descend into a notch or
vee. The t-shirt wasn’t designed that way. It was designed as a standard round
t-shirt. But, Oswald had the habit of tugging on it–pulling down on it at the
six o’clock position–thereby stretching it out and deforming it into a vee.

It varied how much the vee manifested. Sometimes it was barely noticeable,
and that was when the t-shirt was riding high, meaning that it was pulled up in
front and down in back. But, at other times, it pulled down in front, and that
would accentuate the vee. What we see in the doorway is about average for

And it is a perfectly formed and perfectly centered vee. There is no way it
could be a chin shadow, as some have claimed. Chin shadows are never so perfect
and never so centered. Besides, I went to Dallas in late November of last year,
and I stood in the doorway at 12:30, and there was no vee-shaped shadow. Here
is the shadow that I got:

On the left, I was wearing my designated Oswald shirt, and on the right, I
was wearing my designated Lovelady shirt–not the one he actually wore, but the
one officials have claimed he was wearing–and, in both cases, the neck shadow
was nothing at all like the perfectly centered, perfectly symmetrical and
perfectly balanced vee that we see on Doorman.

The vee we see on him is simply the junction of his t-shirt and his skin.
The Tri-X film that Ike Altgens used was very polarizing, and even Caucasian
skin was rendered dark if it was out of the direct sunlight. We know beyond any
doubt that the vee we see on Doorman was the actual shape of his t-shirt, and
we proved it in Dallas.

So what that means is that Doorman’s entire wardrobe, his entire
ensemble, was pure 100% Oswald. From the neck down, Doorman was definitely all

What about from the neck up? Well, according to the anthropologists who were
hired by the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the late 1970s,
Doorman’s minute facial features were those of Lovelady. But, keep in mind that
they relied on measurements that cannot be seen with the naked eye. And
therefore it is impossible for any of us to confirm what they said. But what we
can say is that the Doorman’s ear is definitely that of Oswald, and Doorman’s
chin is definitely that of Oswald. Here are two charts by Richard Hooke, which
demonstrate that to be the case:

Obviously, if there are some Lovelady features on Doorman (and the one most
frequently cited is his hairline) but most of him is Oswald, then something is
wrong. Just as centaurs do not exist in Nature, neither do composites of Oswald
and Lovelady.

We have discovered that Doorman’s image was Loveladyfied, just as
one of Lovelady’s FBI photos has been Oswaldified. Unfortunately, the
Altgens photo was never subjected to a forensic photographic examination–to
look for signs of alteration, which would have been criminal.

But, it is hardly surprising, for if the government made the alterations,
they were hardly going to hire photographic experts to identify them. Again,
the Altgens photo was NEVER evaluated in that way–forensically. It was always
and automatically assumed that the photograph was legit.

Mr. Kennedy, what I have said here is just the tip of the iceberg. But, I am
not going to say more at this time because I do not want to overwhelm you. But,
please visit the website of the Oswald
Innocence Campaign
, where you can find photos of the senior members of the

We want you to join us. We invite you to join us. And we implore you to join
us. As we approach the 50th anniversary of your uncle’s death, we think the
rallying cry should be:


And surely you realize that if we break the JFK assassination wide open, the
revelation of the truth about your father’s murder will follow very quickly.
That lie will collapse in no time at all.

So, please, give this your utmost consideration. We are all doing this for
the sake of truth. No one is being paid. There are no ulterior motives. We just
want the truth to be known. And the truth is that Lee Harvey Oswald was
standing in the doorway while your uncle, President John F. Kennedy, was being
shot to death.

Ralph Cinque, a chiropractor, health spa operator, and
entrenpreneur, has published a series of articles on JFK at
His video series, “Visible
Proof That Oswald Was Innocent”
, is archived on YouTube.

James H. Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight
Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth and a columnist for
Veterans Today, where his most recent studies of the assassination of JFK can
be found.

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