Sunday, January 13, 2013

POOF: A Promise is a Promise, is a Promise

POOF: A Promise is a Promise, is a Promise:

Superstition Lyric

Very superstitious, Writing on the wall 
Very superstitious, Ladder's 'bout to fall 
Thirteen month old baby, Broke that looking glass 
Seven years of bad luck, Good things in the past 
When you believe in things that you don't understand 
Then you suffer, superstition ain't the way

Very superstitious, wash your face and hands 
Rid me of the problem, get all that you can 
Keep me in a daydream, keep me going strong 
You don't want to save me, sad is my song

When you believe in things that you don't understand 
Then you suffer, superstition ain't the way

Very superstitious, nothing more to say 
Very superstitious, devil's on his way 
Thirteen month old baby, broke that looking glass 
Seven years of bad luck, good things in the past

When you believe in things that you don't understand 
You will suffer, superstition ain't the way

by Stevie Wonder 

Greetings and Salutations;

I have stated, 'they' came and ask me to help out in the late 80's just after 'they' fired up in chicago. I got the over all plan but not the bloody details. But, I did get a 'disclaimer'. Don't expect the bad guys to throw up their arms in defeat but rather fight til their last breath. They are on their 'last breath'. Some private people reached Mr Reagan when he was president and made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Thus, the reagan/mitterrand protocols were created. To assist the process, appointments were made, trustees along with ambassador wanta, to bring all of this to fruition. Mr Reagan didn't realize his actions would earn him a bullet. He went after the sacred cow, the federal reserve bank, attempting to get the constitutional treasury making our money again, which had been frozen after the depression of 1929. Just because congress ratified the federal reserve act, didn't make it legal according to the constitution. So, when you hear, the us debt has gone bye bye understand this was set up a long time ago and not 'presto-chango' magic tricks.

There have been a lot of 'legalities' that needed dug thru and gotten rid off, just to get these global settlements done, changed from 'intention' to hard cash, for the people of the planet. A few years ago, the formula was to start a war to cover your money losses, handled, the tell ya it was the 'patriotic' thing to do. How many bodies were shipped back from vietnam with their bellies filled with 'china white', yea, we were fighting communism to keep america free. In a pig's eye! This fight has been about folks' come uppance coming to them and they having no where to hide and avoid their prosecution. Deep earth bases, not with standing. As I have said, I will watch my mouth and not name any guilty parties, that protocol goes to folks above my head, then it won't be a conspiracy story to be fluffed off in disbelief. They'll tell you so it's never repeated in this country again. You might even hear the howling from them first, before you hear the announcements.

Man, you folks are going to crap yourselves, when they start preaching the word. A whole lot will just sit for a moment as it all gets dumped. The history books will be rewritten. Many laws will be dumped into file 13 as unconstitutional. Don't worry women will retain the vote....lololol Watch the video as your next few weeks will feel like it.

Southern Rock and Roll

Consultations until that knock on the door.

Love and Kisses,


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