Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Neil Keenan: "The New World Order is now in panic"

Neil Keenan: "The New World Order is now in panic":

The New World Order is now in panic mode as its financial infrastructure is cut off

The Hidden Truth Behind The News

The New World Order is now in panic mode as its financial infrastructure is cut off

Part 9 – The connections between Port Arthur Massacre, Tasmania, Australia and Sandy Nook USA

I guess by now you are asking what has all this to do with the New World Order and its eventual demise?

Why you may ask is there a sudden upsurge in massacres?

Why has Obama and the US Government suddenly changed its approach to wars/conflicts and now seeking an urgent withdrawal from Afghanistan?

The answer to all of these questions is simply because the NWO and its cabal have now had their main source of financing cut and are desperately trying to gain has much ground as possible before their eventual collapse and before the next super power takes over.

It is recorded that as long ago as 20 years of more the cabal had huge plans to take over many Islamic countries, create mayhem in many other countries by intentionally collapsing their economies/ industrial base, the installation their puppets via the World Bank and IMF’s bailouts and then to disarm their respective populations.

However, the next Super Power ( Far Eastern) has now advanced is stance in the world and is now demanding not only its stolen gold bullion back but also demanding control of the World’s Collateral Accounts and a more balanced distribution of wealth.

Unfortunately for the Cabal they have been caught with their trousers down  midstream and are now desperately trying to finish off what they first started……needless to say gun control formed part of their master-plan!!

Australia became a testing ground for this attempted take over and now the final hurdle is the US but that is not going to be so easy!!

The NRA is not only a powerful group but also has a huge following and the citizens in America have now cottoned on to their evil intentions, especially after the last massacre in Sandy Nook which clearly followed the same trend as that of the Port Arthur Massacre in Tasmania, Australia.

Let’s now look at this latest “False Flag” and what people are saying about it.
One would first have to observe the lack of compassion and visual presentation given by alleged families of the deceased and immediately you can see that these were not relatives but rather hired actors and certainly would not qualify for a part in a Shakespearean play………..take a look at this link:

Note the initial smile and then the full on dramatics and no tears:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6omFTYw9AM         and another short clip of the same actorhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPiQ_E5gHlE
with the caption below it which reads:

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