Thursday, January 31, 2013

Now about that pot of gold...

Now about that pot of gold...:

As we grind through our days now, in one way or the other
the question creeps in – when?  When will
I have prosperity?  When will the corrupt
financial system collapse?  When will
debt be erased?  When will I be truly
free?  When?

What I’m about to say is not rhetoric or evasion.  I’m as broke and pressured as you are.  It is, however, an answer that requires some
thought.  It may not completely satisfy.

It is time to get what freedom encompasses.  It has nothing to do with war or a flag.  Freedom is truth.  We have all been lied to for our entire
lives.  As you may have heard the talk
show with Lisa Harrison a few days ago:Click here for show

“It’s time to rip off the band aid.”  Open up and get ready to heal.  Only then will you truly prosper.

Life exists as an expression of love.  We are bits of energy, shot from Source,
taking human form.  We are Prime Creator
experiencing itself as, in my case, Sophia and in your case, you.  Life is energy and it is everywhere and
everything.  It exists in the form of not
only you, but the animals, vegetation, earth, water and heavens.  Life is a force.  It is the force of God, a physical outpouring
of Prime Creator.  Everything you see,
smell, taste and touch is “a-live”.  It
all springs from Source.

You are beholden to none and in truth, hold none.  Ownership is a lie.  It was introduced by beings with an agenda –
powerful beings who experiment with creation on a whole other level than we do.  These beings understand power as ownership
and it is their belief that has brought us to systemic collapse. 

Slavery and corruption do not exist on every world, yet it
is this world we inhabit and it is rampant here.  Ownership as power has been the driving belief
behind our government, religion, education and financial systems.  It is an intentional deception and has
created our slavery mentality.

Back to the gold.
When you visualize it, how does it look?
Is it contained in a cast iron pot, layered around the neck of a
celebrity or hoarded in a vault?  Gold,
silver and other precious metals come from Gaia.  They are found in veins deep within her.  She offers them to us, as she does the water,
soil and atmosphere – to enhance and support us.  They exist as energy expressed and are free.

This Shift calls us to change the way we think about gold,
silver and precious metals.  Think of
them as alternate expressions of life, here to use but not own.  Ownership is a lie.

As we gradually comprehend the deception that has been our
society, we are at choice to react with anger or jubilation.  As tough as it is right now, this way of life
cannot continue.  We know the truth.  We are free.
Full understanding demands freedom for every other.  But what does that mean? It means that the
gold and other metals we value are not things to own.  They are expressions of life, as are each of
us.  Our worth does not rest in a number
on a bank note.  We are worthy.  Period.

Yet we have to eat, to live in a home, to have clothing and
care.  Today, these things cost money –
money that very few of us have much of.  We “need” more of it to continue; struggle has
become a way of life for most of us.

Freedom sets everything true.  Think of the gold not as a means to an end,
but a resource that flows through Mother Earth, supporting life.  Gold is alive, it is a force.  As blood must flow freely through our veins;
so must Gaia’s precious metals run unrestricted.  We can release the block to prosperity with a
new thought. Right now. We can set the gold free ourselves.

Gold is life and exists to support and enhance yours.  See gold expressed everywhere!  See it not locked in a vault, but in every
home and hamlet, street and bit of land.
It wants to be seen – to be enjoyed and to be released. You cannot own it – you can use it.

Use it now as you see the life you dream of.  Thoughts of freedom create.  When do they create abundance?  When you understand the truth of your value
and without restraint love all of life.
The Master Creators are here and they are us.  Set gold free and watch how it comes out to

We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.

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