Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Human Spirit is Alive and Well in This Darkness!

Even though a darkness has fallen across our planet in the form of poverty, fraud and suffering at the hands of those who wish to control us, human beings are REFUSING to lay down for the benefit of these "Bad Guys". We are all WAKING UP and there is BEAUTY and GOODNESS in this new awake state which will EVENTUALLY dissolve the darkness.
Case in point is what just happened at the Unemployment Office in Madrid, Spain...
"HERE COMES THE SUN" at the Unemployment Office
Contrary to popular belief as portrayed in the mainstream media - WE ARE NOT DEFEATED. All we have to do is WALK AWAY from their debt based system of control to free our countries, our cities and ourselves. Ultimately, that is what will happen as it is the ONLY SOLUTION. Just say NO to austerity. Just say NO to the banksters and politicians. Just say NO to the way they want us to live. Just say NO.
We are all WAKING up to the beauty that is in each and every one of us and the Bad Guys cannot not win as long as we remember who we are.
For all of us make up..."WE THE PEOPLE"!
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

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